We all love Netflix, and we all spend countless hours scrolling on our TVs or mobile devices in search of the next show to get uncontrollably enthralled in or the next movie to take up the next couple hours of our day. The vast field of quality television shows on Instant Streaming is surely overwhelming, but there is a smaller list of truly noteworthy movies on our queues. Always up for the viewing of the next big movie or discovering the finer films of past years, I have developed a list of movies that are currently available on Netflix that I think many people haven't seen (or even heard of) that should definitely find a place on your My List section. Check them out!
1. There Will Be Blood (2007)
Actor(s) you might know: Daniel Day-Lewis
Do not get thrown off by the title! There is blood at some point, but probably 95% of the film is violence-free. In this modern masterpiece, oilman Daniel Plainview scours the California countryside in the 1910’s for the ocean of oil that lies underground, and as the oil rises to the surface, so do the emotions and cutthroat ambitions of Plainview. This is a film that requires your patient attention, so try not to pull up Facebook or Instagram while it’s running. Nominated for 8 Academy Awards and winner of 2 (including Best Actor for Day-Lewis), There Will Be Blood is a film that anyone who appreciates cinematic art should see!
2. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Actor(s) you might know: Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, and others
The word “quirky” is a word that we like to throw around nowadays to describe someone who is a little off-kilter or unique, and such a word is a perfect description for this film. When a boy scout and his crush (both in their early teens) run off to “elope”, the small town that they used to call home goes in search of the misguided couple. This is a very witty movie with a great cast (see above) and the subject matter is far less important than the characters themselves.
3. Unforgiven (1992)
Actor(s) you might know: Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman
It was in 1966 that The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly made Clint Eastwood into an overnight sensation, but it wasn’t until 1992 that he was nominated (and won) an Oscar for this film. For a long time, Eastwood had tried never to do any westerns in fear of being typecast, but this project for which he directed, produced, and starred was the one that put the dust back on his boots. In this standoff between Eastwood and Hackman, we get to see some of my favorite “older” actors exchange blows. With a darker tone, both visually and thematically, Unforgiven brought new life to the genre, and new acclaim for Eastwood.
4. Mystic River (2003)
Actor(s) you might know: Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, and Kevin Bacon
This was the second film that showed Eastwood some Oscar recognition with a nomination, and this time he stays behind the camera. The lives of three childhood friends begin to intertwine when one of their daughters is found to be murdered. In this dark and moody Massachusetts town, who can tell who or what people know? We learn it all by the end, but in all moments before we never have a clue.
5. Philomena (2013)
Actor(s) you might know: Judi Dench and Steve Coogan
After 50 years of searching for the son who was taken away from her as a toddler, a woman finds help from a BBC reporter who needs to do a little searching of himself. This film has a great emotional pull to it, but it doesn’t solely bank on that. There’s plenty of humor, great acting across the board, and a heartfelt true story that keeps you interested and involved for the whole screen-time.
6. Atonement (2007)
Actor(s) you might know: James McAvoy, Keira Knightley, and Saoirse Ronan
When the love of two young adults is severed because of a lie told by the girl’s jealous sister, the couple must live through the consequences, and the younger sister must face the harsh truth about what she has done. Great acting by all three stars, and an epic story that nails every aspect of great filmmaking. Though it may appear to be a "chick flick" or a "lovey dovey" movie, I personally loved it!
7. Nightcrawler (2014)
Actor(s) you might know: Jake Gyllenhaal
A man who is desperate to make it big in, well, anything finds his way into the career of being a “nightcrawler” or “stringer”, who films raw footage of crime scenes and crash sites for nightly news programs. This neo-noir thriller has plenty of sharp turns, dark alleys, and head-snapping action as our protagonist goes in search of the footage that could break him into the big leagues. This film is not for the faint of heart, but it is also electric in its story and contains one of Jake Gyllenhaal’s best performances to date.
8. Beginners (2010)
Actor(s) you might know: Ewan McGregor and Christopher Plummer
In a very artistic and unique style, this film tells the story of how a man falls in love with a girl while his elderly father, who is both dying and a newly announced homosexual, explores his new lifestyle. Do not be deterred by the dad’s lifestyle, which I do not agree with or support in any way. This is a film about 21st century relationships and how love evolves over time just like the rest of the world. I was initially hesitant to watch this film based on the fact that it somewhat promotes the gay lifestyle, but it has a genuine heart to it, and it simply states the facts.
9. Rounders (1998)
Actor(s) you might know: Matt Damon and Edward Norton
Not long after losing everything in a cutthroat poker game, an experienced gambler returns to the table in hopes of paying off his old friend’s hefty gambling debt. With great dialogue, characters, and a story that educates even the biggest novice to poker, this film is a movie that gets you into the game and keeps you thinking about what cards the characters are holding.
10. Best in Show (2000)
Actor(s) you might know: Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara
At the annual national dog show, all sorts of breeds and personalities show up, and I'm not just talking about the dogs. In this dry-humored "mockumentary", we get to see Christopher Guest and his usual comedy troupe at the top of their game. Much like This is Spinal Tap before it, this film is a cult comedy classic that brings subtle humor to the screen.
11. Fruitvale Station (2013)
Actor(s) you might know: Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer
Police brutality/discrimination is a controversial topic in our society nowadays, and in this film we see the last 24 hours of the life of Oscar ___, a 22-year-old man who was shot and killed by BART transit police on New Year’s Eve 2008. While his death is the major plot point, we also get to see the events that led him there; spending time with his daughter, dealing with marital issues, and preparing for his mother’s birthday party that night. He was a man who seemed to do nothing worthy of his end result, and this film shows us that. From the same director/actor combo that gave you Creed, this film tells a poignant story and lets us decide what to do after watching it.
12. Begin Again (2014)
Actor(s) you might know: Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, and Adam Levine
After getting fired from the music label that he started himself, an ambitious record executive discovers a young indie/folk artist performing in a nightclub. As the executive develops a connection with his new artist, he learns about the recent heartbreak of his client and tries to mend his own troubles. This has a great soundtrack, as any movie about should, and it has stellar performances by Knightley and Ruffalo. If you’re into that niche, folk/indie genre of music, this film is right up your alley.
Now that summer vacation has hit, most likely you'll find the time to check out these films, and I strongly encourage you to do so. Spanning the different genres of movies, this list will hopefully open up new doors to different types of movies, or it might even introduce you to your new favorite actor or director! Some of these films might disappear from Netflix at the start of June, so get watching! :)