Everyone thinks that college sucks, but what really sucks is everyone’s attitude who is in college. You go to college to get an education, so if you hate school so much then why are you even here? If you can’t stand to be away from your mom then why did you move four hours away from her?
Why did you come to college if you hate it so much? And if you really can't stand this town, then why do you keep coming back? Why did you even apply for your program if you said it is hell on day one? Everyone needs to do some self reflection before they decide if they want to even go to college in the first place and how far away you want to move.
People are so caught up with comparing themselves to one another. And if that is what your main priority is then you are never going to be happy. College is a time to move away, become independent and find yourself. But being in with the wrong group of friends won’t help you do this. You need friends who will inspire you, support you, and lift you up. Not friends who tell you who you can and can’t be friends with and only choose to support you when it benefits them.
We could all use some positivity in our lives, and it starts with us. If you are waiting for others to be positive while you still have a negative outlook of life, then it's not going to changeSo I encourage you all to find the #Positivity in everyday, and see how much your attitude changes, and then see how much better your day is.
#PositivityStreak (Credit to Littles Kristen and Kelsey)