Usually one of the first things I do in the day, like everyone else, is read the news. I am constantly getting bombarded with articles of violence, hate and general dismay in our country. It is no secret that we are living in tough times in America. Do these articles really speak for the lot of us? I am telling you no, they do not. Matter of fact, I am constantly meeting people who are doing everything they can to make the world a better place. How come I never read about this? In the news world, positivity does not sell. Unfortunately, what does sell is controversial and dividing news about violence or hatred. One way to get our country back is to promote healthier news. I understand how difficult a place the world is to live in. I understand that there is tons of crazy things going on in the current moment. Why should we let these positive people go unheard of? When I do read the news everyday I want to throw my phone off a bridge. Funny part about that is, if I destroyed my phone, I would only receive good news. The only thing that keeps me from doing that is the first hand knowledge I have of hard working, good people. They exist and they are out there. This whole planet is not mad, contrary to popular belief. People are getting up at the crack of dawn working all day then attending school at night just to better themselves. People are putting every ounce of energy they have into small businesses to offer jobs to people that need them right now. Ideas are being formulated that could revolutionize how our world works and provide cutting-edge new inventions to change the way our planet works. Unfortunately, these stories are almost impossible to come by unless you hunt them down. If we showed these people that they aren't alone, it would create a network for these great minds to collaborate and expedite the process of bringing in the technology we need today to help our planet return to stability. I come into contact with dozens of people in any given day and I only look for the bright side of anything. This could be my "Achilles Heel". Perhaps it is my own sense of the greatness we could achieve as a human race that I disregard the negative. This is not the case though, I feel it in my bones, in every person there is good lying within them, even if the media and fear mongers have pumped in so much garbage they forget it is there. Nobody wants to live in the negative and everyone on this planet has a unique trait to offer it. It is time for all of us to break free of what these elitists want us to see to keep us scared because what scares them is the world uniting and stop living in the paralyzing fear that they serve you over the phone. Make it clear what you stand for and watch the universe align you with like-minded people. Share positive news on your social media and watch how quickly the morale of your friends rises.
Health and WellnessAug 02, 2016
Positivity Isn't Dead
In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision. ~Dalai Lama