With nannying in full swing and spending countless hours playing games, answering questions, and having a blast, I have started to miss the utmost positivity which children possess. I am an advocate for wanting more positivity in everyday life; I realize that a good portion of my articles are about this little topic. But really, it is what powers us all through this ride we hang on to dear life to continue. It is especially important to look for the little things that bring joy, in times of devastation in our country after the Orlando mass shooting. It was just last week that the nanny boys were talking about the craziness that a person must obtain to be able to shoot someone. Listening to young boys talk about how insane it is, is astonishing that adults cannot get the thought through their own minds.
To young children the biggest issues in life are how long can they watch television or play their iPads or play kickball, or if their baseball games are going to get rained out. To them being mean is simply not sharing, or cheating to win a game. I think oftentimes adults lose sight of what really matters in the big picture. Little worries and fights could be avoided if people took the time to relax and rethink their initial instincts to this and that. They have this day at a time mentality. Yes, there is a list of things they want to do, "let's do this sometime this summer, Emily!" "We could go here sometime soon!" But, they are focused on the day at hand, nothing more.
Drake has been known for saying, "views from the six," which my boyfriend told me just has something to do with Drake's area code, but me being the dingus I am, I thought it was something much deeper. To me, this could be thought of as a clock. If you are looking from the 12 you are only looking and aiming forward, and you are looking down upon everything else in the time spent and time ahead. Whereas looking from the six, you can reflect on what you have accomplished and hope for what is yet to come. You are looking up, being hopeful, and grateful for what you've already done. This could be very beneficial to almost everyone. I don't think this was Drake's intention, but until Dan told me I thought that is what it meant.
Simplify your mind and be grateful for what is happening in the moment. Look anywhere for happiness, whether it is being able to lie down on your sofa and watch television, or your happiness is found finding time to run a few miles. Watch the sunsets and count your blessings. Life is good when we all let it be. #blessed