When circumstances in life attempt to bring you down, try to push through them. It’s not easy, I know. It takes time, but there’s no use in letting it all get to you.
Being positive is exhausting. It’s easy to sit and think about the sad, ugly things about you or your life. But the more you think, the more you consume yourself in that sadness. It takes weeks, months, years to learn to be positive. You can live your life hoping that life will get better. And as soon as it starts to, something crappy happens again, and you’re back to where you were. It’s impossible to act like good things will come when they seem so temporary.
Pretend for a second that you’re an optimist. Stop thinking you’ve been looking at life realistically (I do it, too, I get it) because you probably aren’t. Pretend to know that your life will be okay even after it doesn’t go your way, and that better circumstances are coming your way. You may feel like you look stupid for doing so because it’s obvious the next bad thing is coming and you’re only going to let yourself down. Trust me, I know.
But once you play make believe for a while, it’ll become your reality. Life isn’t as shitty as you make it out to be. If you let the upsetting, frustrating, overwhelming situations consume you, you will hate your life. Make your reality a positive one, not a pessimistic one. Once you do that, there is no going back.
It’s a struggle; take it from someone who, about a year ago, hated everyone and everything she could hate, including herself. Once you start to think positively, you’ll see life is more enjoyable. Accept that you cannot change aspects of your life. Promise to change the ones you can control. It only takes a change of mindset and perspective to make your life and time here the best that it can be.
Like I said, being positive is exhausting. Your positivity will falter at times, and you’ll feel like giving up. It’s easier to give up and sulk. But in order to be happier, you must try. Happiness feels so good, and if that’s not the best excuse to be positive then I don't know what is.
Appreciate the wonderful things in your life.
Appreciate the people who care for you.
Appreciate your life as it is.
Times are hard, but they will pass.