When deciding on what college to go to, location is a big factor for most people. Most college seniors are deciding if they should stay in-state or if it is worth it to go out-of-state.
Positives of going to college out-of-state include...
1. New place and new people
When you go out-of-state for college you have the chance to experience a completely new place. If you go to college on opposite sides of the country you get to experience a new culture, different types of people and possibly a new climate. When you move to a new city you get to discover new areas, attractions, and restaurants that make that city unique. Whether you go to college in a big city or a small town, you will discover so many things that are unique to that area.
Another factor of going to college out-of-state is meeting new people from completely different backgrounds than you. When you go to college in-state you will most likely know many people and at times it could feel like you are still in high school.
2. You learn to make the best out of the situation
When you attend college hundreds of miles from home you can’t just get in your car and be home in a few hours. When you know you have to stay at college for long periods of time you will learn how to work out any problems you have. This seems difficult at first but it is better to make the best out of every situation rather than just running home to get away from college.
3. Independence
The most beneficial part of attending college out-of-state is the independence that comes with doing so. When you know you aren’t a few hours away from home it can be empowering because you know you are in complete control over how you spend your time. You learn to be completely responsible for the actions you make and what you do with yourself. For some people in college out of state, they feel like they can do whatever they want because no one will ever find out but for other people, they take the opportunity to become a more responsible person. When you know you can’t just go home every time you are sick, have a pile of laundry to fold or feel overwhelmed you become more independent and learn how to depend on yourself.
1.You miss your family
When you are hundreds of miles away from home, you learn that you may have often taken time with your family for granted. It is difficult to go from seeing your family every day to seeing them every other month or less. If you go to college out-of-state, there is a high possibility you will not be returning home after you graduate. You may move to a completely different city so the idea of never actually living in the same city as your parents can be intimidating at times.
2. You can get really homesick
Before coming to college I have been out of the country without my parents for months at a time but I was never home sick. When you hear that all your friends that go to college in-state are home for the weekend it can be difficult to not question your decision of going out-of-state. It is hard to only sleep in your bed, use your shower and sit on your couch every few months. It seems trivial at first but when you haven’t been home for a few months everyone in college questions their decision of going out-of-state. When you go to college out-of-state you miss out on being able to drive to your friend’s schools and you will often miss seeing familiar faces and places. Most of the time if you are out-of-state, you won’t know many people in schools near you.
3. Distance
It may seem easy to just get on a plane and just go home but it is a production. Between finding flights that match your class schedule to becoming an efficient packer the entire process can be draining especially when you just want to be home. If you just want to go home for the weekend the idea of booking a flight, packing, getting to the airport, flying, spending a day at home and then doing it all over again will often talk you out of the entire idea of going home. It is hard not to be jealous of your friends who can just randomly pack their dirty clothes into their car and go home.
If the benefits of going to college out-of-state outweigh the negatives for you then going to college out-of-state will teach you so much about yourself and is a great growing opportunity.