If you are a Democrat reading this article, you are probably confused as to why I, a Democrat, am writing an article about a positive side of Trump becoming president. Honestly, writing this article was hard for me. I am sure that Democrats, Republicans and the world in general never expected a guy like Trump to become the President of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Whether you are a Trump, Hillary, Bernie or even Beyonce supporter (all hail Queen B), we need to acknowledge that Trump is our president (cue the Democratic boos and Republican hoorays).
The Protests
Americans have been immensely protesting against Trump since the day he was elected. You are probably thinking, “How are the protests a positive thing?! They are pointless and cause commotion for nothing.” My reply to that is, nothing in the world is pointless. Yeah, the protests may not be changing laws or Trump’s views, but they are helping us voice our opinions. That's what America is known for, right?
The Women's March
The Women's March, which took place on January 21st, made history as the largest inaugural protest to ever occur. The number of protesters at the Women's March was about three times higher than the number of people that attended Trump's inauguration.
When was the last time you saw an entire gender protest for its rights around various cities, not only in America but around the world? Never.
Women's March crowd in Washington, D.C.
Women's March crowd in New York City
Women's March crowd in Chicago, Illinois
Airport Protests
After President Trump's announcement of the Muslim Ban, which temporarily bans people of seven specific Muslim countries in the Middle East from entering the U.S., airports in cities across the country instantly overflowed with people protesting against the ban.
When was the last time you saw airports across America filled with Americans chanting for their immigration rights?
JFK International Airport in New York City
Student Protests
On February 7th, 2017, middle school, high school and college students in New York City walked out of school to protest against Trump's executive order to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
When was the last time you saw students walk out of school in agitation against an executive order?
Overall, when have we last seen so many religions, races, colors, cultures, genders, age groups, and sexualities come together as one to fight for their rights?
The main positive thing that has come out of Trump's presidency so far is how closely his ideas and views have united us. These protests are a huge example of the connection that countless Americans of all backgrounds have gained with each other because of this one man. Personally, as a New Yorker, I have been hearing and seeing countless protests in the city and they have inspired me to feel even stronger about my views. In addition, I have gained a higher respect for people that understand my views on Trump, but I have also gained an immense curiosity about people that voted for Trump. Instead of bashing Trump supporters and generalizing them all as racists, misogynists, xenophobes and/or all of the traits that Trump may possess, I urge us all to discuss and try to gain an understanding of each other's beliefs. That is the only way to heal the divided country that we are suffering through now.
As these four years pass, I hope that there will be more positives to say about Trump's presidency after he truly "makes America great again."