1. New "Pokémon" movie! | The Odyssey Online
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10 Positive Things Getting Lost In The Negative World

Negativity has been outweighing positivity, so let's change that!

10 Positive Things Getting Lost In The Negative World
OLM, Inc.
Whenever I open my news app, I am bound to see something negative and upsetting. With racism, sexism, politics, forest fires, and things related overtaking the sources it's hard to come by positive stories. As a positive person, it upsets me that we are always focused on such negative attributed to our world. Yes, there are many issues, but many great things are happening in the world as well.

1. New "Pokémon" movie! 

At the beginning of 2019 Pokémon will be hitting the big screen once again. Starring Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu and Justice Smith as his sidekick in a brand new detective movie. This will truly warm any 90 kids heart (hopefully...)

2. Santa Cruz Island Fox has been removed from the Endangered Species List

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These adorable little foxes are now not endangered. In the late 90s, they went near extinct in the 90s, as golden hawk had started to prey on them. The Hawks were relocated, and populations began to flourish again. As of 2016, they were taken off the list of endangered and threatened animals.

3.  The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is going up!

A 75 tall, 12-ton Norwegian tree is the focal point of New York City now! The tree is now going up, and that in itself means Christmas is almost here!

4. 25 Days of Christmas has been posted on Freeform!

Going along with the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, Freeform released their 25 Days of Christmas! The holly, jolly movies are going to make all of our hearts grow 10 sizes.

5. Calgary Zoo celebrates pandas 3rd birthday!!

Twin pandas Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue celebrated their third birthday in October. The zoo opened a PandaCam that will be open for certain hours of the week. They celebrated with games, a traditional Chinese celebration, and activities on their live streams.

6. Gas prices are expected to drop! 

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It is time to rejoice! The national average fell 5.9 cents to $2.67 last week. With oil prices lowering, gas is now decreasing as well. Gas prices have not had a decline this major in decades.

7. Maroon 5 is set to preform at the 2019 Superbowl

As a strictly Superbowl football fan, the half time performance is always the most important. This year Maroon 5 is taking the stage, and are sure to put on a great show.

8. Midterm elections has a higher turn-out then expected!

As expected, voter turnout on Tuesday, November 6th was huge. Shockingly, more than 47 percent of the eligible voters cast a ballot in the midterm elections. While this may not sound overwhelming, compared in 2014 only 36.7% voted. This is exciting as it is showing younger voters are showing more interest.

9.  Refugee children saw snow for the first time.

This video linked melted my heart. The Ripple Refugee Project, an organization in Canada, showed two children from Eritrea enjoying snow for the first time. The young girl and boy run out into a yard wearing oversized winter coats and simply squealing with delight, walking around and jumping for joy, while trying to catch falling snowflakes in their hands.

10. Prince Charles and his family released family photos.

I don't know about you all, but I vicariously live through the British monarchy. This picture was recently released to the public, and it is by far the cutest thing I've seen.

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