Your friends will never understand why you're above eighteen years old and have never once rebelled against your parents and STILL follow every single rule. You could be reaching your mid 40's and your parents are still "guiding" you, because if not them...who will? I appreciate it though. It's what makes you who you are today.
No one will understand why Saturday is such a "bad" day to make any plans...aka...we're cleaning. ALL Portuguese people clean on Saturdays. It's just a thing, okay?!3.
You find yourself forgetting certain words in both languages because they have both become ONE in your mind. It's like SPANGLISH but more like...Portenglish? (Doesn't have the same flow, I know).
The music you listened to as a child, will not consist of many American classics...so when people look at you weird for not knowing who some artists are...ask them if they know Quim Barreiros, and then give them that same funny look! Aha!
You will have over the course of your years, eaten or tried several very "strange" foods that would cause vegans to cry themselves to sleep.
It has become almost a standard that you search for roosters, our lady of Fatima, a rosary, ceramic wine pitchers, wooden spoons, and the trash can under the sink in almost every home.
Call us old-fashioned, but if there is a barbecue or party at another Portuguese household, expect the women to be cleaning up the table after it's all done. There are definitely upheld gender roles in the house.
If you ever, AND I MEAN EVER, say the words: "I am bored," well your mother will make you fold everyone's "cuecas," tell you to help your dad outside, clean anything, and find some work for you to do. Can't call us lazy, that's for sure!
If your dad doesn't have some type of facial hair, wear hats, and is not a handyman who refuses to ask professionals to do anything...is he really your Portuguese dad?
Your family and half of the Portuguese community constantly inform you on your single or taken status, your body and how you don't eat enough or eat too much, and the latest gossip of everyone's life.
You get truly offended when people just lump Brazilians and Portuguese people as one group. We are very territorial! Portugal is in Europe! Brazil is in South America! Come on people.