For my fellow college students, think back to junior and senior year of high school when you were looking at different universities and making your college selection. For current high school students, use this article as a reference to feel more relaxed about moving on to the next step in your academic lifestyle. Here are some of the most important things to remember about college:
Lectures Are Almost Always Posted Online
One of the most common things said about college is that professors just ramble on about information that the students must know for exams, and you need to write down as much as you can while they are talking. This is false! Lectures are always guided by a powerpoint and most times, you don't even have to write down the information. Most professors post these power-points online for you to study from for future exams.
You Create Your Own Schedule
Classes are very different in college compared to high school. Most times you have only four to seven classes a week, and you have breaks in between. In high school, you have class straight-through (besides lunch) from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. In college, you could have Monday, Wednesday and Friday class from 10 to 11 a.m., 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. and 2 to 3 p.m., while on Tuesdays and Thursdays you may have class from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and 2 to 3:15 p.m.. You have a lot more free-time, which you can use to do homework, go to the gym, grab some food or just nap! You have plenty of time to get work done, get involved in different clubs and have some time to yourself. But remember, you create your own class schedule. You have the option to avoid the dreaded 8 a.m. classes.
You Know The Plan For Your Whole Semester In The First Week
The almighty syllabus. You will get a small packet during your first week of class either printed or posted online, which tells you when all of your tests and assignments are due. The key is to stay updated on each one (I recommend using a desk calendar and updating it each month). Most of the time, professors will still give you a heads up on when tests are coming and when assignments are due, but this paper is supplied to give you an extra heads up so that you are prepared. Sometimes professors change the dates, in which case you would get notified.
Professors Are There To Work With You, Not Against You
One of the biggest rumor's of all is that professors are mean and don't care if you're passing or failing or if you choose to come to class or not. Professors chose to have a degree in education to help future generations learn. Professors have office hours where you can go ask them any questions about a past test or have them clarify something that you are not understanding. You are not just a number. They know you by name, general things about you and what you are involved in, especially the professors that are in your major rather than your general education professors. They are there to assist you, support you and help you grow. They will even give to fundraisers that you are participating in sometimes. Professors want you to get the most out of your education and will help you in any way that they can!
I'm not saying that college is a walk in the park. There are going to be stressful deadlines that you will have to meet, a day where you have three big tests and sometimes you won't agree with the grade a professor gives you or what he/she assigns you to do. But, I remember going through the process and being so nervous about not doing well, especially taking notes. If you give your academics your all, build great relationships with your professors and do everything that you can to put yourself ahead, your hard work will definitely be noticed and will be reciprocated in your grades. Don't forget, "College is the best four years of your life," so don't waste it by stressing out!