3. Wet n' Wild MegaGlo Highlighter Powder in 'Golden Flower Crown' ($4.69) vs. Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in 'Moonstone - Pale Gold' ($38) | The Odyssey Online
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7 Makeup Dupes That Won't Make Your Bank Account Scream

Get ready to feel like the ultimate beauty guru.

7 Makeup Dupes That Won't Make Your Bank Account Scream
Megan Bishop

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Beyonce said it right: "Pretty Hurts," especially when it comes to your wallet. The global beauty industry has skyrocketed in recent years, bringing in an estimated $445 billion in sales as of this year. And it's no wonder -- many of the products sold in places like Sephora and Ulta are worth an insane amount of money. While these products seem to be unparalleled in quality, a college student doesn't always have the funds to support her makeup addiction. Luckily, the amazing world of makeup also allows cheaper brands to become part of its ever-growing industry, with most of the brands duplicating their expensive counterparts. Makeup dupes like these will have you feeling fabulous on campus in no time, especially when you see how much is on the price tag.

1. Maybelline Master Prime ($6.99) vs. Benefit Pore Professional Primer ($32)

Benefit Pore Professional Primer is my favorite primer to use. A little bit truly goes a long way and my pores always look smaller. Not to mention, the formula is light and not super oily. A great dupe is the Maybelline Master Prime. It does the same job as Benefit's product for nearly one-fourth of the cost!

2. Maybelline FIT ME! Concealer ($6.79) vs. Tarte Double-Duty Shape Tape Concealer ($27)

Tarte Shape Tape concealer has been the topic of conversation when it comes to concealers for as long as I can remember. Talk of this amazing product has gained further publicity with the brand's recent release of Shape Tape Foundation. If you are fine with spending a little extra, Shape Tape concealer will cover every blemish and spot of discoloration in sight. You can achieve the same effects for a less expensive price by using Maybelline FIT ME! concealer as well. Not to mention, this product works well with the brand's amazing foundation.

3. Wet n' Wild MegaGlo Highlighter Powder in 'Golden Flower Crown' ($4.69) vs. Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in 'Moonstone - Pale Gold' ($38)

Becca Cosmetics' claim to fame has always been their Shimmering Skin Perfector highlighter. It's been known to make cheeks visible from outer space with the powder's radiant shine. Instead of breaking the bank, you can get the same luminous effect with Wet n' Wild MegaGlo highlighter as well. Get ready to shine as bright as the sun!

4. e.l.f. Studio Eyebrow Kit ($3) vs. Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade ($18)

Those brows have to stay poppin'! Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade keeps your brows in place all day and provides ample coverage for sparse areas. The cheaper alternative, e.l.f. Studio Eyebrow Kit does the same job and includes a powder-gel duo that goes the extra mile to fill in those sparse areas.

5. CoverGirl truNaked Eye Shadow in 'Nudes' ($12.99) vs. Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette ($54)

Eye-shadow palettes are always the toughest cosmetic product for me to find because I want both matte and shimmery colors. Luckily, both the CoverGirl truNaked Eye Shadow and Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette have a variety of matte and shimmery options to choose from. The big difference is how much you are willing to spend to perfect your look!

6. Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara ($8.99) vs. Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara ($24)

Ask anyone I know which mascara is my absolute go-to and they will more than likely say Too Faced Better Than Sex. It gives your lashes the best lift and volume they've ever had. When my tube sadly runs out, I go with my cheaper alternative: Maybelline Lash Sensational. It makes your lashes look lifted and almost whimsical, without giving them the 'spider legs' vibe.

7. Colourpop Liquid Matte Lipstick in 'Bumble' ($6.50) vs. Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick in 'Kathryn' ($20)

ABH has always been one of the best brands when it comes to liquid lipsticks. My personal favorites are the pinker tones the brand has to offer, especially 'Kathryn', but $20 for each tube of lipstick begins to add up over time. Colourpop is one of my favorite brands to buy makeup from because of the outstanding quality and amazing prices, especially for a dupe like 'Bumble'.

Pretty soon, you'll be rocking a 5-star makeup look without the 5-star cost!

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1. "If I'm wearing black tomorrow, it's because I'm mourning my grade."

2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

5. "Why are you online shopping?"

"I want to motivate myself to study."

"Since when do you have money to buy something anyway?"

6. "I wonder how much I could make as a stripper."

7. "There are no stress relief dogs, and I feel conned. My stress today is worse than yesterday."

8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

9. "I wore these clothes yesterday, and maybe even the day before, but it's fine."

10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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