As another rough week comes to an end, it's time for of-age college students to unwind with the classy, well-mixed cocktails they deserve. Whether you're a history major or a chemistry student, I've got you covered. Relax, you earned it. Certainly, your college major is a great indicator of what you'll drink this weekend. Here are seven popular majors presented as mixed drinks. Drink up!
1. Political Science
The drink: A Death in the Afternoon perfectly captures what it means to study Poli Sci. Absinthe represents the crude, hard-to-swallow nature of the political arena, whereas champagne takes the edge off and lets you celebrate like the leader you are. Cheers, you worldly son of a gun.
What this says about you: You aren't afraid of scandals or debates. You're probably a lot wittier than most of your friends, but you handle it well. Chances are, you deserve a steaming cup of coffee more than anyone else in the world, but you'll settle for ice water -- the issues are already too heated.
2. History
The drink: History buffs resemble the classic Old Fashioned. First created in the 1800s, this cocktail combines American whiskey, sugar, bitters, and water.
What this says about you: Practical, robust, and not for the faint-of-heart, the Old Fashioned perfectly captures the essence of history majors. You're an acquired taste, yet highly respectable. Try downing a few of these bad boys before sobbing over your thesis paper.
3. English
The drink: The Whiskey Sour, made with Jack, sugar, and lemon juice is a genre of its own. Alternately, stir the ingredients in a bowl with OJ and grenadine to put the pun in citrus-whiskey punch.
What this says about you: The Whiskey Sour combines sweet and bitter flavors while symbolically describing your well-rounded literary preferences. Whether you like Canadian whiskey or (Catcher in the) Rye, you've got great taste. You've probably annotated your books to hell and back, but you still add so much charm to any room. Take it easy, Hemingway.
4. Psychology
The drink: The Manhattan, made with whiskey, bitters, and vermouth, represents almost every psych major out there. Professional, classy, and bold, this drink is for people going places.
What this says about you: You know almost everything about the DSM 5, but the Manhattan is one of the only adult cocktails you can name. Freud would be proud of your studiousness. You probably psychoanalyze all of your friends, but you prefer to internalize your opinions outside of clinical settings.
5. Business
The drink: The Long Island Iced Tea, ah. Made with tequila, rum, vodka, and gin, this drink is basically a mogul. It requires tons of practice to perfect, much like the art of negotiation.
What this says about you: The LIIT is for people who have sh*t to do. This drink basically has a monopoly on every hard liquor out there, so it reflects your ambition and opportunistic palate. Since it's difficult to make, ordering a Long Island Iced Tea says that you like to see bartenders earn their tips.
6. Science
The drink: Instead of a traditional cocktail, try mixing tequila with your own tears. It'll numb the pain of both the Cuervo and the lab practicals you've studied all night for. Don't forget the lime!
What this says about you: This drink is a cry for help. More than likely, you're sleep deprived beyond repair. If you're a bio or chem major, chances are you like to black out every blue moon to forget the constant stress. The memorization. The organic molecules. Yikes.
7. Women's Studies
The drink: The Salty Dog, a blend of vodka or gin and grapefruit juice served in a salt-rimmed glass, captures what it means to be a Women's Studies major. The salt is a metaphor for your anger with the patriarchy. The pink color of the cocktail screams that you're confident in your femininity.
What this says about you: The drink is called a Salty Dog, but that doesn't mean you're a salty b*tch. You're not afraid of heated discussions about gender inequality, you're shameless in your identity, and you'll finish that drink ... for women's rights.