This summer has already had its fair share of rainy and cold days so what better to do on those days than see a movie? This is what I told myself as I purchased a ticket to see the same movie for the second time.
Next time you find yourself stuck inside on one of these rainy days just staring out the window and thinking about what Taco Bell burrito you wish you were eating, go to the movies and make sure you see "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping."
Now, I never claimed to be a movie critic or even have the slightest of refined tastes but if I had an Oscar I would probably give it to Andy Samberg for his newest movie.
"Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" centers around an ego-centric Popstar who just broke away from his original boy band. You watch as Connor For Real rides the ups and downs of stardom and burns about every bridge imaginable. Connor For Real closely resembles a young Justin Bieber and the characters draw on attributes from many hit sensations such a Macklemore and Tyler the Creator.
If you took your favorite SNL skit and combined it with every rapper ever you would get this movie. It rides the line between catchy lyrics and comedic genius. The movie has cameos from just about everyone: Seal, DJ Khaled, Simon Cowell, Emma Stone, and even Justin Timberlake.
If you aren't already driving to your local movie theater from the raving reviews I've given, then once you hear the soundtrack you will for sure run to grab your keys.
The movie features the three members of The Lonely Island and they spare no subject when writing the songs for this film. They sing about the assassination of Bin Laden to the Mona Lisa. These songs are nowhere near politically correct but unlike Donald Trump, they sing to make a mockery of today's popular songs not to offend the masses.
Also, it doesn't hurt that Andy Samberg might as well be in the running for the cutest goofy guy around. Samberg exudes the aura of over-joyed puppy and everyone's second-grade crush. He is the guy you hope to meet at a college party, the one who entertains you with witty banter instead of cheesy pick-up lines.
So, hopefully, you enjoyed the stab I took at a movie review and you actually go and see this movie. You won't regret it, or maybe you will, but either way at least you're not inside thinking about Taco Bell burritos.