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Pop, Lock, and Squat It

Healthy, efficient, and affordable tips from a fellow college student to keep you looking and feeling your best when you're away from home.

Pop, Lock, and Squat It
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College life can unleash a whole new you in the health department. Often times, it feels like we’re stuck in a world surrounded by booze, books, and bankruptcy. The endless and cheap junk food options in addition to the crazy expensive gym membership seem to just be firing some more bullets our way. In reality, college sort of sets us up for failure in this department. That said, for all you folks who have dodged this bullet, Bravo & keep doing you! For those who haven’t, you’re not alone and unlike a really shitty haircut or eyebrow job, you can reverse what happens to your body.

Before coming to college, I was a twig. My mother literally used to call me a walking broom because my hair sure as hell resembled one. Coming to college, I thought that I would always remain on the lighter side, so I thought it was ok to indulge in whatever I wanted whenever I wished. Jokes on me, because it wasn’t until the end of the year, that I realized I put on approximately 16 pounds. Furthermore, I did not perform as well academically as I had hoped to that semester, which thus continued to impact me mentally and socially as well. It was a domino effect. Although the brain scientifically has power over the body, it is amazing to see how one’s concrete health can affect all other domains of wellness. Fortunately, I did not like the path I was on, and dedicated myself to a whole new lifestyle. It is approximately 1.5 years later and I am 18 pounds lighter and infinitely happier and stronger. I cannot promise you I am a fitness expert now, but I can definitely assure you that I am so much happier than I ever was. For this reason, I have compiled a list of my own personal tips that WILL help you achieve your dream body in college, or anywhere else.

  • Exercise does NOT necessarily have to be done at the gym. My favorite exercise regime consists of High Intensity Interval Training, which can be done absolutely anywhere, including the comfort of your own room. This type of training includes a number of high intensity exercises followed by a brief rest period. For example: 25 burpees with pushups, 15 second rest, 25 jumping lunges, 15 second rest, etc. Do this for approximately 20 minutes and I guarantee that you will be dripping with sweat by the end of the workout. Aim for this type of cardio about 3-4 times a week, and you will see results. In addition to HIIT, other forms of cardio that do not require a gym include running, walking, biking (you can rent a bike for FREE at Binghamton University), swimming (free admission for students at the rec center), and dancing (for all you party animals).
  • Cardio alone will NOT help you see results. Unfortunately, I used to always believe that cardio was all I needed to slim down and look amazing. I would do about 2-3 hours of cardio a week but I did not notice anything different in my body. This is because cardio only burns calories during the fact. Strength and Resistance training is what boosts your metabolism and burns calories even hours after your workout is finished. Girls, don’t be afraid to “bulk” up. Our bodies do not contain the hormones that a guy’s body does. Aim for high reps and lighter weights to build lean muscle. Furthermore, aim to gradually increase the weight and reps if it is no longer challenging your body. Remember: no pain, no gain!
  • Booze is NOT your friend. Yes, I do understand we are in college and drinking is second nature for many. However, it is very essential to be aware of the serving sizes both for safety and for your health. For instance, one shot of vodka (depending on the brand) contains about 100-150 calories. The majority of college students do not stick to one shot a night, and they tend to indulge in additional mixed drinks and beer. If you do the math, you have probably exceeded 1000 calories for the night. And as a friendly reminder, 3500 calories is equivalent to one pound. Furthermore, drinking also negatively affects sleeping cycles and eating habits. That said, I am not saying to never consume alcohol again, but try and be cautious and moderate about it.
  • Fat does NOT make you fat. Simply stated, foods that contain (healthy) fats do NOT make you fat. What makes you “fat” is sugar and refined carbohydrates. Healthy fats include almonds, avocados, fish, olive oil, etc. Unhealthy fats and refined carbs include ice cream, cake, cookies, French fries, etc. Thus said, it is essential to stock up on good fats, protein, complex carbs (whole grains), and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. It is also important to allow yourself a couple of cheat meals a week. No one likes pure consistency, even your body. And it will surely rev up your metabolism. Here’s a couple tips you can try to be healthier in college. First of all, do not wait until you are starving to eat, and do not eat until you are stuffed. Next, aim to have all four food groups on your plate for every main meal (proteins, complex carbs, fruits/veggies, and healthy fats). Lastly, drink a cup of water before your meal. It will help prevent you from overeating.
  • Drink lots and lots of water. The statement speaks for itself. Buy a water bottle and carry it around with you everywhere. The benefits of water are endless, so that is a topic for another day. But drink water, and lots of it.
  • Time management & sleep. Sleep is important. I know it’s college and hard classes are a thing, but it is so essential to be getting those 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Which leads me to my next point: time management. There are 24 hours in every day. After enough sleep, there is about 16 hours left. Take away an hour (at most) to exercise every day and that leaves us with 15 hours. It is not about having time, it is about making time. I know this was a huge struggle for me because I wasted so much time that I could have spent studying. This was the major cause of stress. Procrastination does not work for college. My tip is to allot one hour every day to each class and you will stay caught up and engaged in the work. Also, keeping a to do list or planner definitely helps out a lot. It will incredibly reduce stress and allow you to get enough sleep.
  • Be happy and confident in who you are. Whatever struggle you are facing, just give it your all and believe in yourself. You are allowed to make mistakes and feel discouraged at times and realizing that is what makes you stronger. Be happy and do things for yourself. You deserve it. Even when you are feeling weak and insecure, pretend to be confident and you definitely will be.

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