It's already the month of May and the spring is in full bloom. The weather is perfect and everyone is getting excited for the festivities they have planned for the upcoming months. During this time of the year, many of us enjoy a day out in the water with our friends and family. My goal is to provide an awesome pool party safety guide that you can use this year for your summer loving outdoor activities. So, in honor of Healthy and Swimming week hosted during May 20th-26th by the CDC here is a simple list to keep in mind this year, during your vacation activities.
1. Walk. Don't Run
We hear and see it all the time from the lifeguards and parents. When we are at pool parties or on the big screen during Baywatch with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Though relatively simple, many people forget this easy rule and end up getting hurt. The last thing we would want is an injury while on spring break in Mexico with all your friends!
2. Limit Drinking & Recreational Water Activities
Don't beer and boat
Very often accidents occur like boat accidents or slip and falls. A personal injury lawyer in Sacramento, mentioned that boater and pool owner negligence are two laws that actually exist to protect us for a reason. If you drink alcohol, the odds of injury increase when it comes to fun and fast activities in the water. Nothing wrong with enjoying a bottle of Rosay with your girlfriends. Just remember to keep it away from activities like wakeboarding, tubing, surfing or anything that could potentially involve high speed and impact.
3. Apply Sunscreen...Generously
I'll never forget the time I was traveling and spending time in Brazil and got sick from sun exposure. It was just a fun day in the sun. I was drinking Skol (a common local beer in Brazil. The equivalent to Coors Light) all day with my Mom and Sister. Everything was great until I got home and felt totally nauseous and some body aches. I soon find out that I became a victim of a small sunstroke. What I didn't realize at the time was that I was directly below the equator and the sun there was much stronger than I was used too. Some sunscreen and water would have made a world of difference. Which brings me to my next point.
4. Now That's Some High-Quality H20
If you hate hangovers, then trust me when I say drink water in between your drinks. Drinking alcohol dehydrates the body of water. The culprit behind this is the fact that alcohol is a diuretic which causes us to go to the bathroom more often. Each person should be consuming at least 1 gallon per day. During the hotter months, dehydration becomes a bigger problem, especially when combined with alcohol. For the safety of your health and for the safety of your vacation...always remember to hydrate up and enjoy some high-quality H20. There are plenty of ways you can hydrate up while still enjoying your pool party like drinking enough water before, or chugging water before you fall asleep and even adding water to your vodka or tequila.
5. Sunglasses & Hats
Wearing sunglasses while out in the sun can help protect your eyes from the bright sunlight and harmful UV rays. Sunglasses can help protect you from cataracts, macular degeneration and some other diseases that just sound scary. When looking for a pair of sunglasses make sure it is 100% UV proof. Hats are a different story. Hats protect your scalp from the sun and also provide much-needed shade to the eyes acting as extra support. However, wearing a hat is not an excuse to pass up the sunblock!
This has been a friendly reminder to party safe and remember to take care of yourself while on vacation. The last thing we want is to get sick or injured while out enjoying our time and living our lives to the fullest. Remembering to walk and not run across a wet floor by the pool, staying hydrated and using the correct protection from the sun's harmful ways will save you days of discomfort.