No, I'm Not A Fan Of Politics and No, That Doesn't Make Me A Bad Person | The Odyssey Online
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No, I'm Not A Fan Of Politics and No, That Doesn't Make Me A Bad Person

If anything, it's the people in politics that are the bad guys.

No, I'm Not A Fan Of Politics and No, That Doesn't Make Me A Bad Person

So, I recently saw a post on Facebook bashing people who say that are not interested in politics and saying they are spoiled and over privileged. And, I being someone who is not interested in politics got pretty annoyed by that. Now, I know that who gets into office is important and that whoever we vote in can drastically change my way of living, or not. You never know. I also know that there are some bad people who run for office, very bad people. I am not spoiled, stupid or over privileged. I just do not see the point of getting so bent out of shape over people running for a political office. I find election season to be the worst time of the year, and it makes you see the ugly side of people.

Social media is the worst during election season. You have John Doe posting that if you are a republican, you're racist and heartless. Then, you have Jane Doe saying if you're a democrat, you are easily offended and cry to get your way. It's annoying! Then, you see the sponsored advertisements, based on "things you like" when you know you've never even gone to a political Facebook page. "*Enter Name Here* didn't stop to say hello to children sitting on the sidewalk. They hate children!" "Enter Different Name Here* has a cousin's niece's next door neighbor's ex-boyfriend who works for a drug company. They are the reason people are overdosing!" Do they realize how dumb they all look? I don't think I would have such a hatred for politics if social media hadn't made it a pissing contest amongst the political parties. You know what I vote for? That people are only allowed to post x-amount of political related posts a year. It would save me a headache and a half.

It is also hard to really understand everyone running when half the people you know are die hard republicans who think if you are slightly interested in what a democrat says, you're a tree-hugging liberal and the other half would vote for me (who should NEVER be in politics) if there was a D for democrat by my name. So, how can one really form an opinion of there own when they have two totally different kind of pressures on their shoulder?

I have witnessed people who were the closest of friends before they knew they had different political views, then an anger grows in them as soon as they see they aren't the same in every way. I have witnessed families screaming at each other and storming off because someone didn't like what they heard. I have lost friends because even though I don't like politics, my opinion wasn't what someone wanted to hear. I was blocked on all social media, over text, and they thought it would be cute to try to ruin my name by slander. Sounds like something that would happen within politics, doesn't it?

I know we need politics and everyone has their opinion. I know some people are more qualified than others to be running an office. I know that there are a lot of people out there who think their way is the best way. But, I also know that politics bring out more evil than most other things, and show the ugliest side of people. And, that is why I do not get involved. That is why I don't put my opinion on anything really out there. And, that is why it annoyed me so much that people think so poorly of those who don't get involved in politics.

Even though I see politics as such a negative thing, I did still vote. And, so should you - but don't vote blind. Form your own opinion, look at all the sources you can, and don't let anyone pressure you to change the way you think.

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