As we all know, Donald J. Trump will be our next President, and the way society has been uncivilized about it has proven to me even more that politics brings out the absolute worst in people. I understand the frustration that some of you are feeling because of how controversial this man is, but it is unethical to start malicious riots on the street over his victory. I’ve seen videos online of individuals burning down our nation’s flag, which sickens me because they are burning our country’s symbol. I also saw a video of three young males beating up an elderly man and taking his car just because he voted for Trump. Some, but not all, Hillary supporters or even just those who flat out hate Donald Trump have asserted that all Trump supporters are hateful people, but the script has flipped because they are are starting to become like the very ones they dislike. These people are becoming hateful towards Trump voters and some are assuming that they are all uneducated and voted for Trump based on prejudices towards minority groups. Are there some people that vote based on hatred? Yes, there are, but it’s ignorant to assume that all Trump supporters are racist, sexist, homophobic, or etc. People have to remember that others vote based on looking at the whole picture and how their candidate stands based on the issues. My grandfather once told me, “People vote with their wallets.” This holds true, and some individuals that I know voted for Trump because they thought that his intended policies would affect their families in a more delightful way instead of Hillary Clinton's.
I’ve read what people have said on Twitter and Facebook, stating that they are no longer willing to be friends with people because of their votes for Donald Trump. Why lose contact with the person you care about because of one vote? Not everyone shares the same political views and that will always be the case throughout time. It’s unfair to judge people based on who they vote for and what party they are affiliated with. Most people can’t handle it when someone disagrees with what they have to say politically. There should be more friendly arguments when it comes to politics, but in most cases, people want to become defensive which is why I’m very picky with whom I talk about politics with.
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Society wants to play the blame game and in that case, guess who I blame for this atrocity? The media, masters of manipulation. I’m not a fan of Trump, but I know the media has demonized Trump to be worse than what he really is. Think about, most of the media is biased and are to the “left” such as CNN for example, so of course, they are going to make Trump look like the next Hitler. Even some right-wing media has gone against Trump, like Fox News for instance because he's not a puppet. I suggest doing your own research instead of listening to biased sources. It’s like the media wants these chaotic events to unfold just to make headlines and fuel the fire.
There weren’t nearly as many riots when Obama won back in 2008 and 2012, but even then some people acted uncivilized and some thought the world was "going to end". People held up signs of racially charged slurs towards Obama and some thought he was a terrorist. Some thought that he was going to enact “martial law” or even “Sharia law.” I don’t necessarily blame these people for thinking this because they fell into the manipulation of right-wing media that was biased against this guy. I am a firm believer that not one person can single handily ruin this country because a vast amount of material that the President proposes has to be passed by Congress and if the President were to do something extremely unconstitutional, he would get impeached.
To those who are peacefully protesting, I understand your cause as long as it doesn’t bring out violence and it’s your right as an American citizen to a Freedom of Speech. What’s violence going to solve? It’s not going to make Trump willingly give up and we as a nation must stick together instead of dividing up. Some people on the Trump side have been sore winners and I have seen pictures of them spray painting a Nazi sign and wrote, “Make America White Again.” Some, not all supporters of Trump are taking his messages and what he stands for to the extreme. As I mentioned before, not all Trump supporters or those that just voted for him because they think he is the “lesser of two evils” are bad people. Some people have stereotyped all Hillary supporters to be people that don’t work and take advantage of the system, which isn’t the case for most of them. I’m tired of people getting stigmatized based on their political affiliations and who they choose to vote for. Everyone has a different world view based on the circumstances they have faced and how they were brought up as children.
I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to politics, I don’t watch the debates or keep up with the news, but I know that politics brings out the worst in people; It causes them to think irrationally. Let the opponent of your political beliefs have an opinion, don’t be negative toward his or hers political thinking, there’s no possible way that everyone will agree with you on every single issue. If you are uncomfortable with talking politics with that person, just move on to a different topic. . . it’s that simple. Some people are just stuck in their ways and an argument will most likely not change their political thinking process. I hope these violent protests and negative attitudes towards the Trump voters are just temporary. Whether we like him or not, there is no choice, but to give this man a chance. I personally don’t believe he is an efficient choice, but I hope he proves me wrong. As long as my friends and family are in good health I’m happy. We all got to look out for each other at the end of the day.