Over the past decade, a number of politicians have stepped forth to introduce legislative 'change' after devastating events in the U.S. However, a greater amount simply send their thoughts and prayers to those victimized by said events.
While the push for legislative change is at times commendable, it is not always necessary. Few stop to consider questioning whether such politicians actually support the legislation they are pushing or if it is merely another ruse to gain electoral support. As voters, it is essential to research and investigate the history a politician has with a cause to know their true motives.
Furthermore, while words and baseless promises are certainly nice to hear, they can only go so far. Instead of sending 'thoughts and prayers' to victims and their families after experiencing the aftermath of a natural disaster, why not strike up a restoration period by sponsoring and donating to fundraisers on their behalf? At the very least, these politicians have the financial means to travel to locations that were devastated by these events and personally volunteer their time. This being said, their volunteer work should go beyond simply showing up for an hour to shake the hands of local officials and posing for photographs as they kiss the head of every baby in the disaster relief centers. A politician that temporarily leaves office to recruit and lead an army of volunteers to tackle the grunt work involved with restoring a community is unheard of. No, certainly they are more useful working behind a desk as they answer to their oh so tedious paperwork while leaving locals to fend for themselves. Surely, their responsibilities in the Senate are more vital. Of course, there is also the matter of not having enough of them to help all of the people in need across the country after experiencing devastation.
The truth is, politicians are a dime a dozen. There are enough of them to do this. In fact, there are so many willing to take their place that they are dispensable. However, because so few take the initiative to do this, they would likely be glorified in our society for rising to the occasion. The fact that these people of power relentlessly jump at the opportunity to use nation-wide catastrophes for their own political agenda only further proves the demoralization of our society.