Politicians Need To Stop Fighting
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Politics and Activism

10 Things Politicians Should Do To Help This Country Instead Of Attacking Each Other

Either do your job or get out.

Donald Trump

Since America has an orange lunatic in the White House that cannot be controlled and refuses to follow the constitution, our government has become more chaotic than ever before. There are so many Democratic candidates trying to win over the people and become the next President in 2020. However, it is absolutely sickening that elected officials are constantly bashing each other because of political differences instead of cooperating with each other to unite rather than divide this country. The American people are the ones who are constantly giving these people chances (remember, we do the hiring and firing!) and nothing is being done. Here are 10 things that politicians (from both parties) should be doing to help this country instead of acting like children.

Keep the promises you made before getting elected

These people love politics, yet they only tell people what they want to hear to secure their vote. Instead, politicians should only make promises they are actually going to keep. Republicans lie constantly and people keep voting for them because they expect things to get better. Everyone in this country (and those wanting to come here for a better life) deserves to live the American Dream. Government officials need to stop pretending they care if they have no respect for the job or others.

Give money to medical research, the homeless, and veterans

These people are millionaires and billionaires. Many of them are not as philanthropic as they claim. Trump loves wasting taxpayer dollars on vacations and unnecessary things to feel important while people set up GoFundMe pages to raise money and even donate clothes, toys, and money to charity. Politicians (especially the 1%) need to start doing the same.

Practice everything you preach

There are many politicians who claim to be Christians. However, going to Church (if you ever do), raising a Bible, and saying a prayer does not make you a spiritual person. Religion is not a political party and never will be. Church and state need to be separated at all costs. Please stop repeating passages from the Bible and mentioning Jesus and start doing the things he teaches us.

Cooperate with each other to solve issues

There are many problems that affect us every day. Examples include climate change, the economy, and terrorism. Every time issues are identified, they are used as excuses by politicians to blame the opposite party when someone disagrees. Even though we do not always agree politically, we still need to act like human beings and treat each other as such.

Answer questions of attendants at town hall meetings

Town hall meetings give the American people the chance to ask elected officials questions on anything that is bothering them. Their country is falling apart, and it is the responsibility of politicians to work hard to keep the nation safe. Questions need to be answered honestly, intelligently, and with a positive attitude. If politicians want respect, they need to earn it, just like everyone else.

Unless you use it responsibly, stay off social media

Donald Trump seems to be the only politician who uses social media to attack opponents, embarrass this nation, and display just how incompetent he is. While platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are excellent ways to stay in contact with people, inform us about events, and entertain the world, it must be used responsibly when dealing with important things. Politicians (especially Republicans) need to use social media to discuss issues with the people and update them on accomplishments instead of just using it to bully others.

Think before you speak

Politicians cannot spend too much time just thinking of an answer to questions they are asked during live debates, which is why being prepared is important. However, when being asked a question from someone at a campaign event or interview, the answer they give will reflect how the people will view them as a leader. Do not just throw out insults (unless it is a criticism of a policy that will not work) and instead focus on your ideas, how your strategy will be more effective than your opponent, and research to back up your claims.

Volunteer for charitable events

Getting involved in society is an excellent way for politicians to display compassion and generosity for the less fortunate. This is only recommended for those who have a heart. Showing kindness and helping out in places like soup kitchens will allow the person to see that this is a man or woman that cares about America and those who reside in it. They also need to respect other minorities and religions to ensure a safer and peaceful community.

Be a guest on a radio show or Internet podcast

Any entrepreneur or celebrity would use an opportunity to be a featured guest on a show. Politicians should do the same whenever they can. When being questioned, they can reveal information about their life growing up, how they started their career, and what got them interested in politics. Showing a more human side (if they have one) will benefit them and those listening to the broadcast, as well.

 Have a meet and greet

These are nice ways to connect with the community and potential voters. Travel to cafes, restaurants, or sports bars and talk to the customers there. This is less formal than campaign events or rallies and is a great strategy. Make sure to listen to their questions and give an honest answer. Before leaving, take some time to sign an autograph, shake their hand, or snap a photo.

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