All through the election, I swore I would not put an opinion in. I'm a part of the media and we just don't do that.
Now I realize that I'm not going into the media after I graduate so I simply don't care anymore.
The bottom line is that I'm very liberal, but I also have logic.
And my logic is telling me to be sad for our country right now. We voted the 2 worst candidates from each party into the race. And we can't fix it now.
The first thing I want to talk about is abortion.
A "friend" of mine just posted on Facebook that she will no longer support Hillary because Clinton supports late-term abortion and abortion in general. Okay. So this "friend" had a still-born baby and I get that, but you're going to allow your daughter to grow up in a world where Trump says it's okay to grab you by your "pussy" and force you to do things.
Late-term abortion is so much more than just not wanting the child. That's done in the first few weeks before the baby is anything more than a bundle of cells with no heartbeat. If the pregnancy reaches the "late-term" stage that is a WANTED baby. That pregnancy is a dangerous one for both mother and child.
So yes, it looks bad. And yes, it is bad. And yes, it shouldn't have to happen. But the bottom line is it HAS to happen. There's too many reasons to list here on why it needs to happen.
But just pretend you or the love of your life is pregnant with your little bundle of joy. You go in for the ultrasound and you're so excited because it's finally happening. But somethings wrong. The pregnancy has gone wrong. If it goes much longer not only will your baby die, but you or your love will too. But Trump was elected president and all you can do is watch everybody die because there can be no "late term abortion".
From a medical standpoint, late term abortion is happening on a child that is already dead.
Next, let's talk about Gay Marriage.
I've actually wrote like an over 10 page research paper on this subject, but hey. Let's just talk about it anyway.
1. "Marriage is to reproduce."
-Okay. Then anybody who can't have kids or don't want kids can't get married or even the elderly. I can be behind this if that's the logic and it'll be enforced.
2. "Bible."
-This argument can get me going to no end. Literally. Just. Read. The. Bible. and this will be shown to not be true.
3. "It's unnatural."
-You know what else is unnatural? Clothes. Besides, genetics show gay marriage is actually nature... not nuture... or a choice.
I'll just leave it at those 3.
Let this be the end of my rant for the night.
Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of Republican friends and many family members. I respect them immensely and can understand [some] of their views.
Summary: Don't vote for Trump because Hillary is pro late-term abortion. She is not a "stupid bitch with no faith" she is an educated adult.
(I literally can't my thoughts on the "friend" post into more coherent words.)
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It