This is the first year I have been involved in politics. For obvious reasons, mostly because this election was a train wreck, and because this was the first election I could vote in, I HAD to pay attention this year. Even in my years of not understanding politics, I knew it was a hot topic. It can be a really good topic of conversation. Whether you're discussing presidential candidates with a person who has the same political views as you, or discussing controversial issues with someone with opposite view points, it is always a topic I seem to learn more about.
That being said, I know a lot of us are probably stressing and fretting about how to deal with politics at the dinner table while chowing down on turkey and mashed potatoes. If you are in my situation, and you are a liberal with a republican family (or if you're the other way around), it is easy to get heated over a topic. This has been an issue for years. It's happened at my dinner table, its happened at my friends dinner tables, and I'm sure it has intruded on a handful of other's day of turkey induces sleeping. If you're worrying about how to talk about politics without making it a big deal, here is my advice: DON'T. ESPECIALLY NOT THIS YEAR.
I don't understand why people would bring this up with their families at all to be completely honest. If you are a liberal and your mother is a conservative there are BOUND to be things you don't agree with. This argument extends to aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, and really anyone who has a polar opposite political view than you. Arguing and shouting about why you think you are right is not going to get you anywhere. Honestly, what do you think is going to happen? You're going to say something and suddenly, your liberal aunt is going to agree that Donald Trump is going to be a fantastic president? It won't happen. What you need to understand is that they have their own reasons for having their views, reasons that they are just as confident of as you are in yours. Yelling over a stuffed bird isn't going to fix anything. It will only create tension.
If you're the type that just wants to make sure you're family knows your viewpoints, let me assure you they've seen all the protest pictures you put on facebook, they have seen all the posts you put up about Bernie Sanders, and they saw your post on election day with the hastag #makeamericagreatagain (I'm trying really really hard to give diverse examples, here). They have seen it all and I can assure you they will be much happier talking to you about the latest play you were in or how your philosophy midterm went. Why? They are your family. They care much more about you than a cheeto in a toupee or a criminal.
Finally, Thanksgiving is NOT the time to talk about everything that's wrong with your life. The name is literally THANKS GIVING so give some freakin thanks. Be around your family, and be happy around your family. Talk about college (BECAUSE ADULTS WILL NEVER TIRE OF TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE), talk about sports, talk about food, or the weird girl who lives on your floor. There are so many other things you could talk about. There is no reason to talk about something that will only get everyone in a bad mood. So, if you feel like the topic of politics is going to come up. Change the topic, and stuff your face with some turkey.