Politics can be very confusing, and with the 2016 Presidential election approaching, it's important to have some kind of basic knowledge of how our country runs and operates. Before you jump into voting, you need to know the presidential candidates, and before you know the candidates, you should probably know what the different political parties stand for. I've made a cheat sheet explaining each political party's views on four important issues the candidates are debating about.
Founded on the idea that the values of hardworking Americans should guide us, and that wealth and privilege shouldn’t dictate who rules.
Healthcare- Everyone should have health care; even in its more basic form. Support Obamacare.
Economy- Goal is generate opportunity and fairness by creating jobs and stimulate the economy to strengthen middle class families.
Environment- Want to protect our ecosystems by investing in clean-energy, which will in turn create a more sustainable America. Working to diminish climate change and ensure a better quality of air, water, and land for the long term.
Immigration- Believe that it is the federal government's responsibility to secure our borders. That being said, if an undocumented immigrant does enter the country, they shouldn’t be deported (as long as they aren’t in any other trouble), but instead pay extra taxes, learn English, and admit their wrongdoing to earn their American citizenship.
Fight for the rights of individuals within the large and intrusive government.
Healthcare- Against government-run healthcare (aka Obamacare) and think that patients and doctors should make their own health care decisions. They want new healthcare reforms to lower costs and ensure care, which they hope will end lawsuit abuse.
Economy- Focus on creating opportunity, not dependency on the government. Don’t believe the government should control American industries, but instead use policies to help private companies promote jobs. Local jobs > Washington’s jobs.
Environment- Support nuclear, solar, wind, and geothermal power, as well as drilling for oil and gas (Keystone Pipeline). Believe that we need to achieve energy independence from foreign countries by sustaining America’s resources.
Immigration- Want our borders to be tightly controlled on the basis of protecting our national security. They want to insure that illegal immigrants are not provided the same benefits as legal citizens; even harsher penalties for illegal immigrants. No amnesty.
Have a strong reliance on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Promote traditional families as well as respect for life, property, and the individual.
Healthcare- Want to slowly eliminate Social Security, healthcare, and welfare. Support the right of the individual to choose any healthcare they want, as well as promote competition between healthcare providers and doctors.
Economy- Want to eliminate national debt and limit taxation. Believe that America's free market system will succeed based on the laws of supply and demand.
Environment- Want to preserve forests through replanting and healthy management, as well as restore previously eroded mines back to their original conditions. Favor the development of alternative energy sources and synthetic fuel.
Immigration- Believe that the federal government protect the US from all types of foreigners (military and illegal).
Think “liberty." They believe that no one should be forced to give up their own vales for the good of others. They believe in the rights of an individual and that freedom is the key to a peaceful and prosperous society.
Healthcare- Want to create a medical savings account, decrease health costs, and increase the availability of medical services while making it easier to access safe and affordable medicine.
Economy- Wants to eliminate the waste in government spending by decreasing its size and power.
Environment- Goal is to abolish the idea of sovereign immunity, or that the big guy can do no wrong, while protecting the environment and saving endangered species by promoting private ownership of animals and the land they live on.
Immigration- Want to provide already established illegal immigrants with a pathway out of the underground economy without giving them harsher punishments. They will still be assessed fines and back taxes, and will have to wait a much longer time to become a citizen if they choose to apply for permanent residency.
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