Wake up America, police brutality is a thing. Anyone who denies its existence or validity is clearly ignorant of all the evidence of it that exist.
There are many people that don't believe police brutality is a problem. Their thinking is that these men and women are being shot because they are resisting and/or not following order. This is not the case at all in most cases.
The reality is that white police officers are killing innocent black people on a daily basis. Theres no excuse, for what happens in these cases. It is clear that these events happen often, its not rare, which proves it to be an issue.
This week there have been two cases that have gone viral relating police brutality. Following these two cases was a shooting in downtown Dallas, where a sniper shot 11 cops, of which 4 have passed away. Take a moment and pray for all the lives lost.
Concluding these two incidents, has sparked even even larger uproar. It has sparked a sort of a fight, there are some people who are mourning the loss of the officers shot, and some people are saying that "it was deserved".
Yes, I agree that this a fight between black and white, but innocent police officers were shot in the mess of this. This incident should not be sparking a come back, nor should people be saying that its a good thing that it happened. Innocent men and women who fight for our people everyday, who step up to the line to protect everyday should not have been killed. These people had families, they were someones son, daughter, they had kids of their own, husbands wives that they left behind.
Its crazy how in todays world the people are afraid of the ones who are supposed to protect us the most. Lets not forget that there are more good cops than bad cops. There are only a handful of officers who have participated in police brutality. Not every cop is a bad cop. The same way, not every african american is a thug.
This entire situation has been out of hand for years now. But recently, there has been more and more violence outbreak and protests. Its time to realize who's right and who's wrong, come to terms with the punishments, and fix the issues at hand.
Blacks should not be getting shot daily by police officers. Fact. Innocent officers should not be getting shot. Fact. So now who is going to step up and put an end to this? You see its not that easy, people are outraged, and they should be. But some people are are outraged for the wrong reasons. Police officers are not the enemy here, the very few handful of them are. Black people are not wrong or the enemy. So what does need to be fought here? Racism.
There are too many black children who lose a parent to a senseless act of violence, too many mothers who see their sons killed, and too many wives having to raise their children alone. Black lives matter. It's crazy how everyone loves the music, the entertainment, the fashion etc. But no one wants to accredit, or treat black people the way they deserve to be treated for so many years now.
Blue lives matter. Fact. Black lives matter. Fact. So how many peaceful protest need to take place before justice is served? How many more black people shot? How many more officers shot? How many more angry snipers shooting people? Put an end to this.