Pokémon Go Is Used To Reach South Carolinians For Christ | The Odyssey Online
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Pokémon Go Is Used To Reach South Carolinians For Christ

Who would have thought that God would use Pokémon?

Pokémon Go Is Used To Reach South Carolinians For Christ

It was a warm and extremely humid night in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. The bats were chirping, police sirens wailing in the distance… did I mention it was humid? As usual, many people were travelling to and from their evening dinners, hubs, bars and parties (and it’s only Tuesday!). There is typically a lot of life in downtown Columbia. There is always a place to go and hangout, even if the hangout is a rally or protest against something. (Doesn’t it seem like the palmetto state is constantly getting attention and in the news for something?) But despite all the wonderful things to see and do downtown, my friends and I were there for another reason… to play Pokémon Go!

If a person plays Pokémon Go and they live in Columbia, then it’s no doubt that they know the best place to play the game is downtown, more specifically, the state house. Numerous Pokestops and a single gym surround the campus, combined with a great safe area to play, and lots of room to walk around, this makes for an attractive hotspot. With easily over 200 people playing in the area at night, the statehouse is a perfect place to play the game, get some exercise in, and maybe meet a couple of new friends. Although unknown to me at the time, the statehouse was also a perfect place to reach people for Christ.

My buddies and I were turning the corner and walking up the side of the statehouse, doing our circular routine around the building. The front lawn of the statehouse had around 150 people playing the game, many of them sitting on the steps looking out towards the road. As we neared the front lawn, I began hearing what seemed like a person speaking quite loudly, his voice was clearly above others. I then saw a young man, maybe 19, possibly early to mid-twenties — I didn’t get a full frontal view, but he could definitely pass for a college student. He was facing the 80 or so people sitting on the steps and had gained quite of attention.

He started speaking out that he felt like he was here tonight for a specific purpose. That he felt as if God had pushed him to come to the statehouse to help someone. He then explained that he wants to open up the floor, and if anyone is willing, to state a problem or issue in their life so that he could pray for them. Whether it be a sickness, marriage problem, or financial issues, he said that he wants to pray so that God has the opportunity to perform a miracle. Many eyes were on him, others continued to walk around and play their game, but he simply waited patiently.

My buddies and I continued walking as well. I have to be honest, I regret not going over there to talk or hug the guy. As we neared the other side of the state house, beginning to cross over the back, I saw a woman who was sitting on the steps put her hand up. She said that she had something that she would like for him to pray over. Her voice faded away as I tried to keep up with my friends, I never knew what her prayer request was. But it didn’t matter, I was left changed.

Pokémon Go, who would have thought that this would be used as an opportunity to reach people for Christ. But it is genius isn’t it? Hundreds of people gather in hotspot locations to play, hangout, get some exercise, and meet new people. I don’t think that Christians can get a silver platter that’s better than this. Now more than ever, it is so easy to find a prime location to meet new people, build relationships, share Christ and have fun playing a Pokémon game! This man’s story is definitely an encouraging one. So young, so bold, so eager and fired up to share God’s love.This goes to say that The Lord works in mysterious ways, even through Pokémon.

(Now if only Niantic (company that owns Pokémon Go) would put back the Pokestops they removed from the statehouse. Even Nikki Haley, our governor, tweeted at them to put them back! Yes, can you believe this is real life?)

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