To be honest, this article is super slapped together because the new Pokemon Sun and Moon Trading Cards came out this weekend! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for this set and the new anime. It's been so long since I've been this excited about anything related to Pokemon, but ugh. I just can't contain my excitement!
So if you have any nerd friends at all, you probably know that the new Sun and Moon 3DS games came out in mid-November. I was equally excited for that as I am the new cards. I recently just finished the game, except for the Battle Tree. If y'all have any recommendations on how to beat that thing, I would seriously appreciate it. I keep losing in the third battle. It's incredibly frustrating. Anyway! I purchased Moon, and it was seriously one of the most fun games I've ever played. I literally logged over 50 hours in the thing. Mostly from trying to complete my life goal of completing a Pokedex, but you know. Fun, nevertheless.
With the new TCG (Trading Card Game), we are finally able to get our hands on the new GX cards that are replacing EXs and Breaks. While I have to admit I have pulled some beautiful cards since the set came out, I'm kind of disappointed to say the least. I was all excited about this crazy new set with these supposedly crazy good cards....Until I pulled the Espeon GX...
If you know anything about me, you know that my favorite Pokemon is easily Eevee, and my favorite Eevee-loution is Glaceon. So, you have to imagine my excitement when I heard that some of the Eevee-loutions were going to be part of the new GX cards. While the Espeon is an absolutely gorgeous card, it only does 60 damage..That's easily half of what an EX attack would do! How crazy. These supposedly crazy amazing new cards are really not that crazy amazing. Of course there are the ones that are super good, but the majority of them are not.
I know this probably sounds like I'm shoving poo in Pokemon's face, which I kind of am, but I'm not going to hark on this set too much. I really do love the set, and I will continue to buy the cards, but I'm not going to quit buying the older sets and playing EXs in my deck. Replacing all my EXs with GXs really isn't going to be worth it in the long run. My EXs will serve me just fine.
With that being said, go out and buy a Pokemon product. Support this amazing company that I have come to know and love for most of my life now. Literally, I've only been in existence not even one year longer than Pokemon.