Pokémon fans, one of your dreams has been realized, Pokémon have come to the real world. If you are a nerd like me you probably were freaking out when Pokémon Go was finally released. Not only can you play it on your DS or 3DS but now it has been brought to mobile devices everywhere (updated Androids and iPhones). Nintendo has done a good job in inserting its place within the ever-growing mobile app community by keeping up with technological trends. Pokémon Go like it suggests is on the go; it’s a free downloadable mobile app with extra paid features if the customer so chooses. Any other costs incurred most likely can be traced back to data usage.
Pokémon Go lets you live out your dream of being a Pokémon trainer. You get to experience what it’s like being able to catch, collect, and battle with Pokémon. The GPS tracker on your phone tracks your location and helps you locate Pokémon nearby. It also helps you locate special locations such as parks, works of art, and other locations that act as Pokémon shops, where you can find Pokeballs, potions, berries, revives, and other items. You can even utilize your phone’s camera to take pictures of your Pokémon in the real world.
The Pokémon Go app gets you moving and active. People are walking more in order to find more Pokémon, Pokémon stops, Pokémon gyms and to hatch their Pokémon eggs. It’s an interesting way to entertain and get people to become more activity. An egg alone takes 2 to 10 km to hatch.
While Pokémon Go is cool and is a dream come true to some of us, it does come with some dangers. Many have already been talking about the hazards of unsafe driving and distracted walkers. The game senses your driving as running, so people may take advantage of that in order to try and find more Pokémon faster. This can create the opportunity for accidents because drivers will be more concerned with the game than the road, almost like texting and driving. There is also the problem of people walking aimlessly trying to find Pokémon and the abrupt stops one can perform which can lead another individual to walk into one another. Lastly, there is the slight suspiciousness a Pokémon Goer exudes; we know they are trying to catch Pokémon, but sometimes it can appear as though you are trying to take a picture of a stranger or are acting weird by stopping randomly and looking out of place.
People just have to be smart about it and use common sense when playing in order to not get hurt. Even with the risks, it is an awesome idea and game at which Pokemon fans and gamers can enjoy. I know when it first came out I was geeking out about it; you can tell others were too because the servers kept crashing. Have fun playing