The mobile app "Pokémon Go" has somehow demoted itself with its most recent update. The Niantic developers have yet to create a safer way to find pokémon without sending people around aimlessly. The game has no radar to help players find high tier pokémon, such as Blastoise or Clefable; just having the pokémon move up on the list for how close they are doesn’t help the player find them any faster. You can follow a path that is at the top of the list and it’ll suddenly drop a tier or vanish completely, leaving you stranded and broken from a failed attempt. It also doesn’t help that Niantic shuts down third party websites that help players locate pokémon easier.
Lack of tracking/radars isn’t the only problem the game has. There are no benefits to those that don't want to choose one of the three battle teams. You can’t battle a gym and claim them for your own, and seeing as you can’t, items such as potions and revives become utter wastes of time and space that you have to dispose of. Another bad feature about "Pokémon Go," is that second generations evolutions don’t exist. That means no Crobat, Espeon, Umbreon, etc. Despite second generation evolutions not being a thing, fairy types from generation six have made an appearance which doesn’t make sense. It breaks the emergence of it being strictly first generation pokémon. Lastly, jolly good co-op isn’t available. I can’t battle my friends or trade items with them. It kind of defeats the point of it being a Pokémon app.
All-in-all, "Pokémon Go" feels a bit lackluster and somewhat lazy. I’m sure it’ll pick up in the near future, but for now I give it a 7/10.