You would think that over two months into Pokemon Go that it would still be booming. That everyone would still be totally into playing, catching them all!
But the reality is that it dropped. Not only because people are back in school, but people just have stopped playing. But why?
These are my observations.
One of the main things that people hated was the navigation feature being buggy, so in order to fix that...Niantic just wiped it out completely and gave a small chunk of people the Beta version of what they hoped for their new navigation success, nobody knows how that is going. They even ruled out 3rd party apps from making any navigation possible for users who don't have any form of navigation.
Some people argued that they liked the game more with no navigation that is was more "Realistic because Ash never knew where his pokemon were and that isn't a feature in pokemon games!"
Well buddy, you are wrong with that...All of it. Ash lived in the Pokemon world, if we think about it realistically: he would know where each pokemon was regionally. Yes, he was a bit of a dolt in the anime. But if someone lived in the pokemon world, they would have an idea because people would share that information. I think of that in the sense that we know where lions, tigers and bears live on earth (Oh my!). The second part of the argument is also wrong because by the time Pokemon X and Y came out, there was a way to find out where a pokemon's exact location was in the Pokedex. Who knows if that transferred over in the show.
Over all though, Pokemon Go has just dropped in general because there are no real ideas known when they switch up nests (places where pokemon spawn up the most). Or where anything is anymore, or if there are new places to go. While it is nice getting a good amount of Pikachu, Machops, Abras or whatever pokemon a nest has, variety is a thing that is nice. Hell, if I have to find another Drowsy or Jynx in my house or neighborhood, I might throw my phone.
Even with the Pokemon Plus bracelet being out, the hype still isn't back to where it was. The device is useful because it collects items and experience from spots, catches Pokemon and notifies you when a pokemon ran away. But in high traffic areas, it has been said to be annoying and more of a distraction than anything.
I think once they get navigation down and trading is implemented, the game might pick up more, along with adding the second generation of pokemon. I still use it because it makes walks more entertaining and it gets me out of the house.
For now, it's just slow.