"I caught a Bulbasaur!" I shouted to myself in triumph as I spent my Monday night trying to figure out the new Pokémon Go app. Within minutes of downloading the app I caught one in my room. I felt slight victory but not enough to completely understand the hype. But a few days later my friend and I drove to the mall, and let me tell you, it was an adventure. I opened the app to see if I could find one, and sure enough, just down the street from my house I encountered a Rattata. Two Pokéballs. Got 'em.
Then in the Starbucks parking lot, a Venonat. I threw a Pokéball and BAM, captured on the first try. I understood it then, and it was worth the weird look the guy in the car aside of us gave me as I held up my phone to catch the imaginary creature that was on top of his car.
I did not play Pokémon growing up, but the app is exciting for me, so I can't imagine how true fans are feeling. Within a few days of the app's release the game has become popular on just about every social media site. It's an exciting game, it allows the player to customize their character, and encourages the player to visit Pokéstops, which are places that you are most likely to find a lot of Pokémon at. Instead of sitting inside and playing video games, you can go outside and actually move around. I enjoy collecting and learning the different Pokémon, since I didn't know them prior to downloading the app.
As great of a game Pokémon Go is, it does have a lot cons. Yes, this game does encourage you to get outside, but as you're walking, you need to be aware of your surroundings. The app does give you a warning message in the beginning to take this into consideration. They should also give you a warning that you might look a little silly walking around with your phone and throwing Pokéballs at imaginary creatures.
But not only are people at stake with running into objects while walking, people are trying to play this game while driving. I've seen numerous screen shots of people my age behind the wheel playing this game. Usually they say that they know it's dangerous but the game is too much fun. Not only is it risking your life by trying to multitask to play this game, but it's a danger to other people on the road. Do you really wanna get in an accident and have to explain that you were distracted playing Pokémon Go? Play it if you're in the passenger seat, that's what I did, and it was a lot of fun. But do not distract the person driving or play it while you're driving.
Also, the game does have a few glitches here and there. I often get the message that the app cannot connect to the server or the username isn't correct. I did have to laugh when my character was walking around in circles at one point too.
Despite its flaws, the app is definitely worth downloading, if you're into catching Pokémon and want to go on adventures. Just watch where you're going, don't drive and play, and just be safe. Go catch 'em all.