After months and months of agonizing anticipation, the wait for all you Pokemon lovers is finally over.
Pokemon GO was officially released in the United States in July, which immediately caused everyone to reach for their phones and download the game.
Pokemon GO is essentially every Pokemon obsessed person's dream come to life, in which you are able to walk around outside and catch Pokemon like a real trainer!
Well, the closest it can get anyway.
Basically, you give the app the permission to access your location while you walk around your town and other various locations to locate and catch Pokemon. When you encounter a Pokemon, the camera on your phone turns on and makes it appear as though the Pokemon in question is right in front of you.
Depending on where you are, different Pokemon will be found because of the different geological areas, so some Pokemon may not be available in certain areas. However, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that areas near water are more prone to water Pokemon.
In the game, you can find "pokestops" and gyms, in which you can stock up on pokeballs and other items while on your journey, and at gyms you can partake in battles with the Pokemon you've captured on your journey.
Many people have been enjoying this new game since it's been released, in fact, I've seen many people walking down sidewalks swiping their fingers down their phone screens and their faces lighting up when they've successfully captured a Pokemon for their own. I've fallen victim to the addictiveness of this game, along with my friends since Pokemon was such a big part of our childhoods, and so popular among our generation. People of all ages are currently playing this game since there seems to be no wrong age to start your journey, even if Pokemon GO is your first endeavor with the Pokemon world.
However, Pokemon GO hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows for every user. From time to time, the servers have been so backed up and busy that the app won't let users sign into their accounts and search for Pokemon. If that doesn't give you a glimpse at how popular this game currently is, then you're surely mistaken. A couple of players have even reported that their app has been crashing on them while they were attempting to catch a Pokemon. However, the app is fairly new, so there are bound to be some bugs and not the ones we want to catch.
So get out of your house and download Pokemon GO! It's a great way to get some exercise while playing a fun and addictive game!