No matter who we are or what we do, we are all aware of the events happening within our country and around the world. Our country is more divided now more than ever it seems. We hear the constant news regarding the perpetual arguments revolving around social movements, and the never-ending political chaos that surrounds the upcoming presidential election. It seems that everything pointed out in the news and social media is negative, opposing opinions indulging themselves in constant battle with one another. It seems that nowadays, nobody is happy with anything going on with their lives or with our country. We were divided, separated and distant from each other because we did not share the same political or social views as somebody else. This is how our country and citizens have been acting until Pokémon Go emerged.
What is Pokémon Go? Remember back in your preteen years playing Pokémon on a Gameboy? Remember playing as a young character, striving to become the greatest Pokémon trainer? Or maybe you might remember the Pokémon TV show, starring Ash and his ever-faithful companion Pikachu. Well, now you get to actually immerse yourself into the Pokémon world like never before with Pokémon Go. In this new mobile game, you get to catch and battle with Pokémon you find and catch. How exactly do you get Pokémon? By exploring the world around you. Yes, I mean by ACTUALLY walking down the street, to the local park or favorite restaurant. Sometimes in your own home! Pokémon Go was released earlier this month and is now a world-wide phenomenon. 21 MILLION downloads and counting, this game has drastically changed people and societies all over the world. If you live in a city like me, it’s not surprising to see large groups of people huddled together at “PokéStops” or walking down the sidewalks with their nose in their phone searching for Pokémon.
Who would have thought a mobile game would change the country, if not the world? I could not tell you how many times I’ve driven past massive groups of people at parks, restaurants, or on campus huddled around their phones catching Pokémon and battling. And it’s not just happening in Utah. I have friends from all over the country sending me pictures or videos of large groups of “trainers” together to find Pokémon and conquer “gyms”.
What’s the true beauty of this social gathering? Why does our country need Pokémon Go? IT UNITES US. I see people from many different backgrounds talking and laughing with one another all because of this video game. You might be thinking, “What?! A VIDEO GAME bringing people together? You’re crazy!” I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. This game actually brings people together in a positive way! If you have an account on any social media platform, then you know very well this is true. It’s the latest trend in our society and societies around the world and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. Think it’s only on the internet? Walk the streets and see for yourself. You will hear and see Pokémon Go discussed among people, on and off the internet, all encouraging each other and congratulating others on a Pokémon caught or a gym taken over. And for bonus, it’s a great conversation starter when you run into people looking for Pokémon like you! You would not believe the friendships made because of this game. Don’t believe me? Go on Twitter and search “Pokémon Go new friends” and you’ll see proof of what I mean. It is awesome, plain and simple.
Now I have seen and heard people calling out those infatuated by this game that we are ignoring real-world problems within our country. Don’t get us wrong; we may constantly talk about how great this game is, but we are very well aware of the issues within our country. This game is just a breath of fresh air. I know it sounds corny but this game actually brings out the unification in the American people. It’s a GOOD sign. Not a political attack, not a social injustice, but a family-friendly, social game that unifies people regardless of race, lifestyle, or political views. We aren't naive either. We know this is not a solution to any social injustice, political corruption, or personal problems we face. It is only a game! We aren’t blind to the problems in our country, we’re just taking advantage of a fun game that is positive and all-inclusive. So, if you haven’t already, give the game a try. Don’t bash it unless you try it first! It doesn’t hurt to bring out your kid-self every once in a while. Now if you’ll excuse me, a Charmander just popped up on my screen! Gotta catch ‘em all!