New Pokemon Discovered: A Preliminary Review | The Odyssey Online
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New Pokemon Discovered: A Preliminary Review

Take a peek at the newest cuties coming to "Pokemon Sun and Moon"!

New Pokemon Discovered: A Preliminary Review

Following the release of the Japanese trailer leaked yesterday, the English trailer titled “More Pokemon Revealed for Pokemon Sun and Moon!” released today via Youtube and contained so many new cuties to catch! Here’s a rundown of them all, as well as the few that were preliminarily release before, but now have confirmed abilities and typings:


Type: Rock-type

Classification: Puppy Pokémon

Height: 0.5m

Weight: 9.2kg

Ability: Keen Eye/Vital Spirit

“Rockruff has an excellent sense of smell, and once it has smelled an odor, it doesn’t forget it! There are tales of these Pokémon getting separated from their Trainers, then using the faintest traces of their scent to track them for days until they are reunited! Rockruff is a sociable Pokémon, but as it grows, its disposition gets wilder. If it begins to howl when the sun goes down, that is proof that it’s close to evolving. It’s said that it leaves its Trainer’s side to evolve and returns again when fully evolved. Rockruff stands bravely in battle, even when it’s taking damage. Although an opponent may be stronger than Rockruff, the Puppy Pokémon is so persistent, it keeps going until it outlasts its foe and gets the win! Bite is a good move for Rockruff. It deals damage by biting an opponent with its sharp teeth. This may make the target flinch. Rockruff greet others by rubbing the rocks around their necks against the other. This grating greeting is an expression of fondness, but a Trainer may find that love hurts.”

This was the tiny baby seen quickly on the side of the last trailer released. My conclusion is that it will be similar to Lilipup, and being akin to the usual first route normal-type, despite being rock-type. Based on its Pokedex entries above, we could be seeing something similar to werewolfism displayed in a Pokemon? Growing wilder, howling at the moon before evolving, leaving their humans side So that they won’t see their evolution/transformation sound like typical werewolf behavior/tropes. Will it grow to be more human-like, or less?


Type: Normal-type

Classification: Half Awake Pokémon

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 19.9kg

Ability: Comatose

“No one has ever seen a Komala awake. It eats, travels, and even battles while sound asleep! Its saliva can be used as medicine for the sick or sleepless, according to ancient people. They say if you take a small amount of the saliva remaining after it eats leaves, water the saliva down, and drink it, you’ll be able to sleep well. Komala clings to a log pillow that its parents have given to it. Once it has grasped this log, it almost never releases it. If it does lose hold of its log, the Pokémon will be unable to sleep well and will thrash about wildly. Apparently it will sometimes cling to the arm of a Trainer it trusts. Komala has the Comatose Ability, a new Ability that no other Pokémon has ever had until now. This Ability keeps it perpetually in a drowsing state, which prevents it from getting any other status conditions. The ever-sleeping Komala’s expression sometimes changes, as if it has awareness of its surroundings and the talking of people nearby. But it appears that these changes in expression are actually just a result of the dreams it’s experiencing.”

This sleepy baby was actually revealed in July’s "Corocoro" release, but I’m going to group him with the rest like Rockruff. The only thing mildly concerning about this beautiful child is its ability. Maybe someone who’s better at discerning meaning from specific wording can help me, but this makes it sound like it’s literally ALWAYS asleep. Like always has the sleep status condition, and must wake up to attack (similar to Slaking’s truant?). I doubt this is the case, but rather it can only get the sleep status condition, and none of the others. I’m anxious to see how this plays out in battle, essentially.


Type: Normal/Flying-type

Classification: Woodpecker Pokémon

Height: 1'00"

Weight: 2.6lbs

Ability: Keen Eye/Skill Link

“Pikipek can strike 16 times a second with its beak. These strikes are powerful enough to not only drill through hard wood but even shatter stone. The noises made by their blows can signal others. Some of these signals have been identified as warning signals and greetings among allies. Pikipek Trainers have grown to recognize them as well. These Pokémon drill holes in trees and store food in the holes. They also like small, glittering objects and will tuck them away in their food stores, too. It’s often said, “Something lost, something missed, check inside the Pikipek nest.” Pikipek will attack distant opponents by zipping seeds at them. These shots have enough strength to embed the seeds in tree trunks.”

This is the child whose architecture was seen during the absolute first teaser trailer seen of "Pokemon Sun and Moon," and people have been guessing about him ever since. Based on the typing, he’s following the Pidgey tradition of being the first-route bird Pokemon, which is supported by how cute he is and how much everyone likes him already (with many people comparing him to Pearl from "Steven Universe"). Also known attack Bullet Seed basically confirmed for these guys.


Type: Normal-type

Classification: Loitering Pokémon

Height: 1'04"

Weight: 13.2 lbs.

Ability: Stakeout/Strong Jaw

“Yungoos is a big eater that is never satisfied. The majority of its long body is given over to its stomach, and its digestion is swift, so it’s always hungry. It has strong fangs, so it can crush and consume the hardest of objects. Each Yungoos chooses its own particular route for searching out prey. It stalks along this route searching for food until it’s exhausted, at which point it drops and sleeps wherever it may be. It’s thought that these Pokémon decide their routes based on safety, so that there’s no risk in falling asleep at any time. Yungoos is not a Pokémon that is native to the Alola region. It was brought to the region to help deal with the explosive population of a certain other Pokémon, and now Yungoos are commonly seen around the Alola region. Some Yungoos have an Ability that no other Pokémon discovered has previously had. This Ability is known as Stakeout. With the Stakeout Ability, this Pokémon’s moves can deal twice the normal damage to any Pokémon that switch in or enter the field mid-battle. Since this Pokémon is so common in the Alola region, it’s easy to catch one. But this Pokémon has a terrible temper when it’s hungry—and it demands a whopping amount of food.”

Likely a first-route cutie along the lines of Rattata, Yungoos is an invasive species and a canon garbage Pokemon? It seems strange how the Pokedex entry seems to almost blanketly state, “You can definitely catch one, but you probably won’t want to.” Sad. (I will catch him and love him anyway, of course!) I also want to know if it has any similarity/relation to Zangoose, or if it’s just a name-localization coincidence. Long lost cousins?


Type: Bug-type

Classification: Larva Pokémon

Height: 1'04"

Weight: 9.7lbs

Ability: Swarm

“Grubbin relies on its sturdy jaw as a weapon in battle and as a tool for burrowing through the earth. Grubbin loves electricity, which is why it can be found near power plants and substations. By wrapping tree branches in the sticky threads that it spews from its mouth, Grubbin can swing around like an actor on suspension wires!”

The next three appear to be the primary bug types for the region, following the Caterpie-Metapod-Butterfree tradition. Another good and squishy child, I’m sure he evolves quickly into…


Type: Bug/Electric-type

Classification: Battery Pokémon

Height: 1'08"

Weight: 23.1 lbs.

Ability: Battery

“Charjabug stays perfectly still in preparation for Evolution, and often spends time with its body half-buried in the earth. Charjabug is able to store up electricity. It can store enough power to run a household for a whole day. The power it stores can be provided to other Pokémon, so it can also serve as a battery! Charjabug has the Battery Ability, an Ability not seen before in any other Pokémon. The Battery Ability allows it to raise the power of allies’ special moves.”

Now we’re getting to the ones just revealed the first of July! Here we come to my personal favorite new Pokemon, CUBE BUG. He looks like a small bus and only wishes to help his friends be stronger. I imagine in the Pokemon world he may be a secret to sustainable energy (I’m ready for the environmentalist subplots in "Sun/Moon"). Confirmed to know Spark. He evolves into…


Type: Bug/Electric-type

Classification: Stag Beetle Pokémon

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 99.2lbs

Ability: Levitate

“Vikavolt is like a fortress that zooms through the forest, firing a beam of electricity from its mouth. Its huge jaws control the electricity it blasts out. Vikavolt is adept at acrobatic flight maneuvers like tailspins and sharp turns. It can fly at high speeds even as it weaves its way through the complicated tangle of branches in the forest. Vikavolt clasps Charjabug with its legs and uses it as an extra battery. Even if a battle drags on, it can use the electric power from Charjabug to continue firing off powerful moves. When Vikavolt is engaged in a fierce aerial fight, it releases Charjabug to make itself lighter and increase its mobility.”

A very LARGE bug, nearly five feet tall! I just hope he can learn fly. This is another one where I question if it has a relation to a previous Pokemon, Pinsir, another stag beetle-like Pokemon. In the real world many isolated ecosystems, like an island, evolve (scientifically, not Pokemon-wise) organisms that are similar to ones on mainland ecosystems but with changes to allow them to fit into their specialized environment, because there are only so many complex changes that can be made to the basic structure of a (land-dwelling, the ocean does whatever it wants) creature--i.e. two legs vs. four legs, amount of eyes, type of dentition, etc. So I’m wondering, what made Vikavolt evolve wings and not Pinsir? (I’m sure I’ll never find out.) Confirmed to know Zap Cannon.


Type: Normal/Dragon-type

Classification: Placid Pokémon

Height: 9'10"

Weight: 407.9 lbs

Ability: Berserk/Sap Sipper

“Drampa are dragons that live alone in the mountains 10,000 feet above sea level. Since they can’t obtain the Berries they feed on at that range, they descend to the base of the mountains at dawn every day. Drampa love communicating with people and Pokémon. Drampa are especially gentle with children and often appear at schools and parks where children gather. While Drampa is usually a very gentle Pokémon, it can fly into a rage if a child it cares for is hurt in some way. The Dragon Breath move that it fires off at such times is powerful enough to blow down buildings! Drampa can have the Berserk Ability, an Ability that no other Pokémon has ever had. With the Berserk Ability, this Pokémon’s Sp. Atk will go up by 1 when its HP drops below half.”

DRAGON GRANDPA. What a silly cartoon old man. I love his squishy little hair-bits on his head. I imagine he’s like the stray cat that every school has just hanging around all the time, except he can probably telepathy with the kids and tell them stories about when Kabutops and Tyrantrum were still alive and well. Potentially based on a type of Elder Dragon, maybe specifically the Chinese Candle Dragon, but because I really want most of these to be based on Hawaii/Pacific Islander folklore/ecology, I’m going to save judgement. I don’t pay much attention to stats while playing because I’m not a competitive battler, but this Berserk ability may play into decisive battle strategy if that is as big a change as the description makes it out to be. Confirmed to know Dragon Breath.


Type: Water/Psychic-type

Classification: Gnash Teeth Pokémon

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 41.9lbs

Ability: Dazzling/Strong Jaw

“Bruxish emits a strong psychic power from the protuberance on its head. When its opponents are bathed in this power, they’re stricken with terrible headaches and fall unconscious. As it emits its psychic power, it grinds its teeth loudly. When nearby Pokémon hear the sound of Bruxish’s teeth gnashing, they sense danger and flee immediately. In the Alola region, lifeguards let Bruxish remain in their area to prevent dangerous Water-type Pokémon from gathering there. Bruxish digs holes in the seafloor, leaving just the protuberance on its head exposed, while emitting a low level of psychic power. This serves as radar, so when it detects prey, it can leap to the attack! Bruxish can have the new Ability Dazzling, which no other Pokémon has ever had. The Dazzling Ability prevents opponents from using priority moves that normally strike first.”

An adorable little fish, likely in the vein of Alolamola, meaning its unlikely to evolve. Potentially based off the Hawaiian state fish, the reef triggerfish (Hawaiian name Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, which is wow), only powered up by adding a psychic angler to its head. Much like the Pokemon, reef triggerfish appear very aggressive and actually grunt to warn fellow fish of danger, like Bruxish’s teeth grinding. As many Pokemon trainers know, a well-placed Quick Attack, which always goes first, can decide a battle, so the new ability Dazzling could definitely throw a wrinkle into some speed-based play styles.


Type: Bug/Fairy-type

Classification: Bee Fly Pokémon

Height: 0'04"

Weight: 0.4lbs

Ability: Honey Gather/Shield Dust

“Cutiefly can detect the auras of living things, including people, Pokémon, and plants. They search out flowers by the color and brightness of their auras and then gather their nectar and pollen. When living creatures are excited, it seems that their auras resemble those of flowers in full bloom. As a result, these Pokémon tend to gather near people or Pokémon feeling particularly happy or sad. Cutiefly mostly live in the fields and meadows on the outskirts of cities, but they sometimes appear in towns and even inside buildings, drawn in by the emotions of the living beings of the community.”

A new contender for tiniest (read: cutest) Pokemon, Cutiefly appears to be based appearance-wise on the bee fly, an organism that sneaks into beehives and allows their larvae to parasitize bee larvae. These little babies seem much sweeter than bee flies though, and I’m hoping to find them in symbiosis with another tiny flower-loving Pokemon, Flabebe. It’s not scientifically accurate, but it would be cute if, since a Flabebe’s flower is always in full bloom, a Cutiefly would choose a Flabebe and live with them their whole life. Confirmed to know Fairy Wind.


Type: Electric/Steel-type

Classification: Roly-poly Pokémon (!!!)

Height: 1'00"

Weight: 7.3lbs

Ability: Iron Barbs/Lightning Rod

“Togedemaru is the Roly-Poly Pokémon that gathers electricity and stores it. The long needle that grows from the back of its head works as a lightning rod to attract electricity. With this reservoir of electrical energy, Togedemaru is able to release powerful Electric-type attacks! Covering its body is a pattern of fur with strands like needles. That means that Togedamaru can roll itself up, and presto—it's a ball of prickles! Some skilled Trainers have developed the strategy of getting other Pokémon to unleash Electric-type attacks on Togedemaru, which absorbs their power to use in a response attack! On days when lightning strikes, you can sometimes see Togedemaru gather and bristle up their needles, waiting to be struck by lightning.”

The Roly-Poly Pokemon, oh my god. Phenomenal. The best addition to the electric-cheek species division since Plusle & Minun. A porcupine(maybe hedgehog?)-based Pokemon, Togedemaru is the roundest baby (along with Rowlet) and will be protected at all costs. I wonder how these interact with Charjabug, who gains electricity from underground current/solar power rather than simply absorbing premade lightning? Confirmed to know Discharge.

Tapu Koko

Type: Electric/Fairy-type

Classification: Land Spirit Pokémon

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 45.2lbs

Ability: Electric Surge

“Tapu Koko is a special Pokémon that protects the area where it lives. It’s called the guardian deity of Melemele Island, one of the islands of the Alola region. Although it’s known as a guardian deity, it’s a surprisingly fickle Pokémon, and will not necessarily come to your aid if you need help. Despite that, this Pokémon has a strong sense of curiosity. If it becomes interested in a person or in other Pokémon, it may come to play or battle with them. Tapu Koko’s Ability is Electric Surge, an Ability never before seen in a Pokémon. Electric Surge fills the field around the Pokémon’s feet with electricity when it appears, raising the power of any Electric-type moves for Pokémon on the ground and preventing any Pokémon from falling asleep. Tapu Koko can learn a new move called Nature’s Madness, which slams into an opponent and reduces that Pokémon’s HP by half!”

The final newly announced Pokemon, Tapu Koko seems to be a legendary Pokemon, though it is not listed as such. Rather, it may be an in-game event/there only happens to be one of them Pokemon, such a Zoroark in "Black/White". Based on the fact that it is the deity of the specific island, Melemele, and not the entirety of Alola, many people are speculating that the other islands may have their own deity guarding them as well. When Tapu Koko puts its shield hands over itself, it forms a cockatiel-like head (Thunderbird?) which may indicate that Nintendo is going for some kind of totem pole motif, and the other deities will form different animal heads and be able to connect together. (Possibly linked to the Strange Souvenir item from "XY"?) Based on Tapu Koko’s new ability Electric Surge, which automatically sends out an electric terrain, we can guess that the other deities will be sending out grass and misty terrains. Finally, so many of these new Pokemon are Electric types? Perhaps the main type of each island is dependent on its guardian deity? Tapu Koko is shown under the control of Hala, meaning he may be gifted to the player rather than catchable.

That’s everyone! I hope that, like me, you can’t wait to play with them all!

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