The recent release of Pokemon Go has been the best release of any app ever. In just five days it already had more active users than Twitter. Here are some reasons it is so popular:
1. It makes the player be active.
In order to actually play the game, the player must travel around different places and capture the Pokemon. Whether it be walking, biking, skateboarding or rollerblading, the user has to be outside for the game to work.
2. It helps rid depression.
Many people have said that Pokemon Go has helped them naturally with their depression. How that works is there are times where depression can weigh you down so much that it is impossible to get out of bed, let alone go outside and be in public. However, this game forces you to do just that. When people with depression get outside and go for walks, they often times report feeling much happier after they are done. With this game, people have motivation to get outside and have fun.
3. It makes strangers friends.
One of my favorite parts about this game is when you are out hunting for Pokemon and you stumble across another person. Rather than just walking past them without saying anything like people normally would, you instantly feel a connection with them and have something to talk about. It is amazing to see how you can have over an hour long conversation with someone you don't even know just by telling stories. About how and when you caught a certain Pokemon and how and where they got that Pokemon. About how you used over 15 Pokeballs on one Pokemon that still got away. The stories are endless, and they are always entertaining.
Pokemon Go has undoubtedly brought back the pre-smartphone environment outside and will continue to help people be active and get out of bed in the morning.