Moving from one house to another can cause a lot of stress. First figuring out where to move to, then packing, then moving the packages from the old house to the new house, then unpacking the packages, and finally cleaning the old house because you want your down payment money back. I've just gone through most of this steps this weekend and man, I'm whipped out! (and I'm not even done!) Moving is the reason this article is also late getting published. (So sorry editor in chief and team!) Moving really takes a lot of work.
For me, figuring out where to move to after finding out I couldn't resign the lease to my old house was the most stressful. Figuring what the cheapest, nearest and nicest place there is to suit your needs involves a lot of thinking and number calculations ( In my opinion) which can causes a lot of headaches. Also figuring who is going to move in with you is stressful too, especially if you have that person who is on the edge of moving in or not. You know, that person that makes or breaks the move if he/she decides to move in or not? Yeah, that was like walking on an egg shell bridge with a big canyon under it �when it happened to me. Luckily everything worked out so there are no more fears.
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Packing was really hard too. Honestly I didn't have a lot of free time to pack before the move. I ended up packing pretty much everything the day of the move, which slowed the loading and unloading process down immensely. I really wanted to have it done before hand but literally my school and work schedule wouldn't let me. I felt irresponsible but I couldn't help it! I was happy to know that a few of my guy friends where able and willing to help me move along with my parents this weekend and that they didn't seem to mind the slow packing rate I was going at. (Thanks everyone!)
Now I'm in the middle of the unpacking stage, which is driving me crazy. Figuring out where to put everything and finding everything is a nightmare. Even more so when you are moving in with someone who already lives in the house. You got to make sure your layout suits their needs too. It's also crazy because the rest of my life is still moving forward, so I can't keep unpacking for hours and place items around the house all day like I would like. I still have to go to work and class and social events. And this up coming weekend I'm cleaning my old house. And when I say cleaning, I mean deep scrubbing, dusting every nook and cranny, mop, Clorox wipe everything kind of clean.
I guess what I would like to leave you guys with is that when it comes to moving, try to be ahead of the game with it. Find that new place as soon as you know you can't live in the current place you live in. Know who is moving in with you definitely right away. Try to avoid having the make it or break it person. Pack as much ahead of time as possible, even if you have to schedule it in. ask for help or hire on help early. Label the packages so they don't end up in the wrong room (like it did with me.) And finally, try not to move during finals, cause it's just too much stress!