I consider myself a generally happy person. However, I also am generally a very easily annoyed person. I try to keep it to myself most of the time but there are certain things that make me want to scream at the top of my lungs. Here are some examples:
1. People constantly thinking you're angry or upset about something
No. I'm fine. I promise. That is just what my face looks like when I'm not laughing. I know I seem angry. It's a condition.
2. People who walk slowly in front of you
If it was so important for you to step out before me, you should be walking a bit faster than you are walking now. What are you doing? Don't stop. Keep it moving. Knees to chest, people.
3. People who fish for compliments
I appreciate that you like my shirt. I said thank you. Why are you still looking at me? Oh, I get it. You want me to compliment you back? I'm sorry. I don't do that.
4. Being told to do pretty much anything you don't want to do
This is why school is such a struggle for me - especially reading assignments. If I'm being completely honest, I probably would have read these books on my own if you gave me time but now that I'm being told I have to read them, I want to set them on fire.
5. People who get into the left lane and drive at the same speed as the people in the right lane
There is a reason we divided the road like this. Why would you do this to me? You're why we can't have nice things.
6. People who are always really nice
I don't trust them. Yes, I know it's sad. I just know that no one can be that nice all the time. They've got to hide a secret.
7. Receiving any type of physical contact you didn't specifically ask for
You see that hug you're going to give me? See how you're getting closer and my arms aren't out-stretched? Yeah, that means hug yourself.
8. People who don't use their turn signals
I'm always pretty cautious but signals are important. They alert the people behind you where you are planning on going. It is for the benefit of everyone! They even put them next to the steering wheel to make it easier for you.
9. "Calm down."
Don't say that to me. I won't. Actually, because you told me to, I'm moving towards the other end of the calm spectrum.
10. People who eat string cheese or Pull-apart Twizzlers like a Kit Kat bar
That's not how you're supposed to eat them! They give you instructions! It's in the name of it!
11. People who snap their fingers to get your attention
I am not a dog. I don't answer to finger snaps. Every time you snap your fingers at me, I dream of smacking you.
12. People who take up more than one parking spot
Other people need those spots. There is no need for your mini-van to take up three spots, sir. They actually paint the lines so that your vehicle will fit between them. Please park accordingly.
13. Small Talk
Yes, it is raining. I love school. It's fantastic. I'm doing well. Now that that's over and done with, let me know something interesting. What's your deepest, darkest secret?
14. People in the desk in front of you who stretch back way too far
I used to do this thing in high school where I would stand my pen up at the top of my desk - point down, of course. If you bumped my pen with your head... you're back too far.
15. People who don't use their manners
If I hold the door open for you, hold the door open for the person behind you. Also, say "Thank You." It is the simplest thing and if you do it, I will continue to be polite. If not, I'm done.