Yesterday I spent a few hours at a little café. I was sitting outside reading and writing in my journal. It was so peaceful and quiet and every now and then I would observe the other people sitting around me.
There was this one girl in particular that I seemed to observe closer than the others. She was there alone and reminded me a lot of myself. I could tell she was writing down her thoughts and taking her time. I realized that we may have been there doing the same thing. Writing and thinking.
It was very interesting to notice this girl's actions and it made me happy that we seemed so similar. I slowly began to just write about her in my journal. Her movements and her actions and everything I thought she was thinking. I pulled a little poem out of these observations:
The girl with the espresso and sparkling water
Writes the word "still" over and over in large letters
I cannot help but stare
She sits across from me
It seems as if we are thinking the same things
She is writing down her thoughts and she is not sure why
She just knows she needs them out of her head
She stops for a minute
Every now and then
And looks around for inspiration
She remembers she is in a beautiful space
She looks up
She keeps dropping her pen
She picks it up and keeps writing
She closes her notebook and opens it again
She continues to write to keep her mind off the heat
Just like me
We are both here alone
Maybe to escape and think alone
Even though we hate our thoughts
And writing them only makes them more real
We remind ourselves to look up
We keep writing our thoughts and continue to wonder why
We just know we need them out of our heads
We'll stop for a minute
Every now and then
And remember we are in a beautiful space