There's trees,
Endless amounts of trees,
and not a sign of civilization,
besides me and my friend.
I think we're lost,
I say to my friend,
who ignores me,
I said, I think we're lost,
Oh, I heard you,
she said,
I just didn't want to listen to you.
We're all lost if you think about it,
she continues,
Lost in our dreams, desires, wishes,
I interrupt her,
Yeah, but we're physically lost,
I don't see the cabin,
She keeps going straight ahead,
as if she has any clue where she's going,
Just follow the sound, and it will lead you in the right direction, we're not lost
she says,
You mean, 'follow you're heart, and it will lead in the right direction,'
I correct her.
Sure, but in this case, follow the sound,
Where there's sound,
there's water,
where there's water,
there's life.
she explains to me.
Oh, so not only do you think we're lost,
you think we're alone?
I question.
I didn't say we're alone,
I didn't say we're lost,
I'm more optimistic than you, obviously,
she tells me.
I'm more of a realist
I beam with pride
Just trust me, I know where we're going,
she turns right and heads straight,
Sometimes you can step away from being a hard ended realist, and be an optimist,
she continues.
Before I could answer,
she shouts,
SEE there's the river,
that means we head straight and we'll reach the cabin.