There are so many past moments that I am convinced will determine my future. That sounds dramatic, but I believe this so easily sometimes. I let my mind tell me there is no more time.
I feel as if I have lost an opportunity. To explain to me or express a feeling that did not quite get across the first time. It's so easy to tell myself that I am not capable of something when I have never even given myself the opportunity.
It is so easy to visualize a moment we wish could happen but convince ourselves it never will. Even though it is difficult, I have realized that it is never as bad as it seems in my head.
This poem is about realizing what I think I lost can come back again. It is more refreshing to be positive and look forward instead of living in past moments.
What you think you lost
due to moments so small
you never lost at all
you gained a hope that is unseen
words you did not mean
or forgot to say
you walk away
reliving the moment over and over
you tell yourself you lost their mind
you lost another moment with them
you were too scared to show up
too scared to talk
too scared to share what you were thinking
you tell yourself you lost the opportunity to be understood
oh the fear
of being misunderstood
you become unsettled
when you think of love
your parents were not good at it
so, therefore, you are not capable
you never learned
you think you lost it a long time ago
you think you lost the time
you think you lost the chance
it is so easy to settle in that
what you think you lost you have always had
let it be seen
let it be consumed