I wonder if I can keep the sun
make it mine forever
radiance birthing from my heart
a pocket of youth
in bloom.
The clouds are citadel
safe haven welcomed home
i'm staying here forever
a hope strong enough
to birth babies.
Sipped the wrong drink
bathroom visits
bile in the sink.
We have cotton candy skies here
i'm talking pinks and blues
fluffy figures of sweetness
a sugar high
you make me want to get sugar high
we are young and beautiful
free spirits
ignited in laughter.
This where the sun meets with angelic clouds
where rays meet at the gulf
to go home and set the dinner table
for all the animals
a fireball of faith
are we really alone?
I think my thoughts are lost
file them in a cabinet
for keep saving
when things like this happen
so you know
you can't forget
it is all right here
in between the sun and moon.
He is blind
but the love is not
He is glossy eyes
i get lost in
ill drive everywhere
allow us to go one a journey
with a destination unknown
ill let you drive
turn left
turn right
we are going to be just fine.
We are in the garden of light
there is no forbidden fruit here
the universe wanted this
it was planted years ago
separated by oceans
all to blossom in the same garden
one day.
Angry is me
pulling patches
of curls that i was blessed with
why am i destroying my bessinsg
angry is more than an emotion
it is an action
i grew my nails out so i could carve
the pain into my skin
my scrapes glisten
like my glitter poetry pens
its not a sin
i wish i had that bottle of gin.
I used to be afraid of loosing myself
my eyes orbited another planet
but one morning i woke up
and i did not see the color red in my fists
i took the space shuttle to class
and as we turned the bend of destiny
i realized i have always been
exactly where i need to be
so i'm putting on my cape
because i'm my own damn heroine
i'm breathing for myself today
for myself everyday
living for me
the only time i will loose myself again
is in my writing
my hormones pushing out all
of the emotions for me to feel
and battle on my own
i'm finding my soul
and let me tell you
she is oh so bold.