Ode to Weirdness
I always figured I was different.
I never really fitted in,
and now, I don't mind so much anymore.
From Queens to Manhattan to Brooklyn,
I've learned to love my weirdness,
to embrace it like an old friend.
I never liked reality tv.
If I wanted to see stupidity,
I can see it in my own backyard.
I don't follow the fads, and believe me, I’ve tried.
No Game of Thrones, no Thirteen Reasons Why,
no Stranger Things, no Riverdale,
and don’t get me started on The Walking Dead.
I just don't fit in.
I’m okay with that.
I’m not being “extra”.
What the hell does that even mean?
Who made up that ridiculous phrase?!
Use a full sentence and learn to spell, people!
I make cat sounds,
purr if you pet me, and sleep in the sun.
My thoughts become my writings,
always slipping from the tip of my tongue.
Criminal Minds, Law and Order: SVU;
they are my jams and if I ever need to commit a murder,
I know what to do.
My Solitude is a blessing.
I don't fit in.
I’m weird.
I love it.
EntertainmentApr 30, 2018
Poetry on Odyssey - Ode To Weirdness
Why try to fit in a mold you’re meant to break out of?