Being in your twenties means constantly going through changes. Physically and emotionally. There is always a war in my mind.
I have realized that being at this age, or just being young in general, means constantly wanting something new. Something else. There is hardly any satisfaction or rest. The strangest part is that I want to be content. I want to be okay with what is going on in my life, who I am, and what I look like. However, there still seems to be constant movement in every way.
This movement creates confusion. It creates this idea that we should always want a piece of something new. Everywhere we go. We are trying to change all the things that we simply cannot change. The constant struggle to settle and breathe.
There is the good change and there is the bad change. There is change we can be happy with and change we just can't live with. I wrote this poem to illustrate the battle I create for myself. The unnecessary edits I am constantly creating in my head.
what I want to be
what I want to see in the mirror
embellishing what is already there
a constant edit
Back and forth
some days I am satisfied
and some days I am bothered
there is no in between
my mind and what I think
my opinions
my outlook on this world
constantly confused some days
crystal clear on others
there is no in between
something new every day
the newness helps me grow
helps me understand
helps me see
And sometimes it is okay
to change what I want to be
what I want to see
but I want to see something good
I want my mind to be happy
I want to stop erasing what is already there
Just a few more edits