No matter what we go through in this life, our heart is right there, going through it, too. She takes it in, and she interprets the lessons and memories that ultimately leave you changed. It's a pure and sure and violent affair. You'll always heal though. You'll always heal.
An Affair
The wind doesn't go through me
It sweeps me,
picks me up and takes me
And knocks me down to break me
An affair
So pure and sure
So violent
Escaping through
The breadth and depth of
I fall in love with every pair of eyes
Such stories and reasons and seas
I question and probe,
My mouth a kaleidoscope
So come and collide
With me
I break apart in each pair of hands
As they mold and shape and release
I'm lying there trying
My windows are crying
But you put up your curtains,
Can't see me
I carry so much on my back and my pockets
I don't fall I don't quit, I don't spill
I'm struggling and climbing
At Sisyphus timing
Never finding the top of the hill
Oh, but for that split moment
I feel it's all worth it
For having a heart
Yes using my heart
Gives me the blessing
To feel
For I use my heart for what it was given
I feel so much in each every moment
And sure sometimes I can feel heavy And broken
But with the strength of my soul,
I'll always have
The power and blessing to heal