We all had a plan.
Intentional or not.
It was a goal to achieve,
A version of a vision we perceived.
Some of us made it.
Some not so much.
But let me tell you why this idea of a plan doesn't work a lot.
Some things can be planned.
Like when to brush your teeth.
Or when to eat.
But other things like obtaining a degree
Or even when to flee to another state or country.
Isn't as easy as it may seem.
Because life cannot be planned to a tee.
I personally don't let it become some strict list that clings to me.
Because once you let that happen, you leave no room for give. So really, when will you really be living a life to live?
Take it from me, a stranger you may know.
Don't try to control life all the time.
It's okay for cruise control.