This poem is based on the sacrament of Reconciliation (a.k.a. Confession). My brother just received his first confession and his first Holy Communion and there seemed no greater time to show this poem than now. This poem is meant to show the significance of Christ's passion and Resurrection and what that does for us.
Christ died for our sins and gave us the opportunity to one day be with him in heaven. To do so, some things we need to do, are picking up our cross daily, having a relationship with him (take time to pray), and be repentant for our sins. Most of all, through the sacrament of Reconciliation, we truly see and experience the power of forgiveness and the freedom of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ, our savior.
Reconciliation - A Blessing From Our Savior
I make the sign of the cross
I kneel to say my prayers
Feeling sorry for my sins
I bow my head in shame
Searching evermore for forgiveness
Then I begin
Where do I begin?
I beg for forgiveness
Knowing nothing can hide my shame
Owning up to all my sins
Sending out a silent prayer
I make the sign of the cross
Should I cover my shame?
He already knows my sins
I can begin
He gives forgiveness
So I'll pray
Remembering the cross
He bore our sins
Showing us forgiveness
He bore my shame
We have today to pray
Let us begin
With the sign of the cross
He rose after the cross
Taking away our shame
Forgetting our sins
Bringing Forgiveness
Let us begin
Let us pray
Absolved of our sins
Doing away with shame
We have forgiveness
So now we pray
We now begin
To understand the cross
Now we pray
Releasing our sins
Remembering the cross