Sometimes people drift apart, and that is OK.
Sometimes we realize we aren’t for each other, and that is OK.
Sometimes relationships end, and that is totally OK.
It’s important to not heavily depend on other people because we end up losing ourselves when they decide to leave. People move on in different ways and on different paces. Time moves slow when we are healing, and it hurts when the one that left ends up moving on faster than you. Don’t lose who you are if that happens. You gave them the love you had, and now it is time for someone else to as well.
To His New Girlfriend
Compliment on him on his style.
even if you really don't want to.
It'll mean a lot to him.
Also laugh at all of his jokes,
even though 90% of them are terrible,
He's just saying things to see you smile anyways.
He likes to drink his coffee black,
not because he likes the bitterness that each sip sends down his throat,
but because he often takes harsh moments in one gulp.
He would rather swallow it whole
than to sugar coat and
mask the reality of what it really is,
also because he's lactose intolerant.
He often twitches in his sleep,
I think it's because of how restless his mind can get.
He never feels like he's accomplishing enough,
and even when he's laying in his bed at 4 in the morning,
he's still thinking about the things he can do to keep moving forward.
He eats his cheeseburgers without any vegetables,
No lettuce, pickles, or tomatoes,
I'm pretty sure he has the mind of a 12-year-old.
He cracks puns whenever he can,
makes reckless decisions,
and watches porn multiple times a day,
I am almost definitely sure he has the mind of a 12-year-old.
He doesn't like to make eye contact often.
Don't take it personally.
He just doesn't like feeling as if someone could see deep into his head,
because that's somewhere he himself can't be in for too long.
He feels as if he has to do everything himself.
That's why when life gets tough,
he thinks it best to take it on alone.
Remind him that he doesn't need to be.
He likes having arms wrapped around him because it makes him feel safe.
The same way he likes falling asleep with someone in his arms.
He likes late night car rides,
and early mornings cooking breakfast.
He likes moving fast,
but sometimes he doesn't take the time to live in the moment.
It's your job to make sure he takes things slow.
He may not say it but he's scared of what other people may think of him.
It's also your job to remind him that no matter what other people say, you are never going to leave.
I also understand that everything I just said may not be true
because you have fallen for a guy that I don't know anymore.
Maybe he adds a little sugar to his coffee these days,
or his jokes got a little bit better.
Maybe he's finally able to look people in the eye,
or realized that the whole world isn't against him at all.
It's been so long that I'm not sure who he is these days.
When you fall in love they often tell you about how amazing it is to feel that rush with someone.
We held hands and stepped off the cliff together,
but what they don't tell you is how it feels when you hit the bottom,
because laying alone here,
I've come to realize that physics is wrong,
and with a love with so much resistance,
it seems to me that I've fallen faster for him than I thought.
When we parted ways I stuffed all of my feelings into a paper envelope,
sealed it tight,
and scribbled his address on it.
After all of these years, I've never been able to send it,
and now here I am,
running my fingers along his name,
realizing that I'll never get the chance to hear his reply.
Maybe if I shred this envelope I'll forget about everything,
about the late nights stargazing out of car sunroofs,
and lazy mornings where he pulled me closer in his sleep,
but i can't get myself to grab the pair of scissors.
I guess there are just some ties you can't easily cut off.
I feel like I'm giving up,
like I tore out my heart and stuck it onto a white flag.
I am not one to surrender easily,
but some battles aren't meant to be won,
and i've been fighting this one for far too long.
So to his new girlfriend,
Promise me your fingers won't stop running through his hair,
and your smile won't stop making him laugh.
Promise me you'll take him to your favorite places around town,
and write poems about the crinkles by his eyes,
and how his hands are so large you're sure he could hold the whole universe in them.
And I promise you,
you won't regret a single moment with him.
I know I never did.