I feel like there comes a time when you reflect on yourself. You reflect so deeply you find it hard to say it out loud, but you feel it inside of you. Recently reflecting on the little girl I used to be. You know recently seeing a little girl brings me to tears because it makes me tell this little girl, who I portray as me, telling myself how strong I have come to be.
And that I wish I could go back and lift that little girl's face, wipe all her tears, crush all those lies, and show her that she has more inside of her than she hears and believes. This is a battle. A battle between the mask that the little girl clutched to, and the human that is waiting to finally say goodbye and find her life inside the heart that was waiting for it to have a chance to speak.
Here I Am
I'm going to be honest with myself this time
even though it feels comfortable to hide inside
And believe all those lies
I'm finally breaking out of my shell this time
And not be afraid of what comes through to the outside
Little girl here I am
I see you sitting there
Listening to music and having those headphones tangled in your hair
Thinking you're not worth it
and no one truly cares
I know your environment isn't healthy
and you don't want to say to them you have anxiety
or you struggle with depression
Cause you don't want to accept it
God forbid you let it slip and make them feel like you're a disappointment
So that's what you did, and now you feel you can't escape it
I know every friend you make it's scary
then you attach so easily
cause they give you what you need
But you are afraid one day they may leave
Cause what if they catch a glimpse and hate the real me
Just put that mask on they won't notice
they have other friends, you're nothing compared their normality
Little girl here I am
I know you don't love yourself
and you try to find you in someone else
just restart, smile, laugh it all out
The arguments will end soon
Just stay strong don't fall through
I know right now those thoughts is all you know
you put on a brave face for the show
Little girl please let go
Let go of all the negativity, and self doubt and pity, and the "you'll never be important to me."
you've heard from the monster that tried to mold you into saying that's who you will be
Little girl pick up your face and watch me explain
that you will have to journey through this never-ending chase
but I came back to tell you that you will win this game
It will be full of disastrous feelings to tackle through
but never underestimate the strength you have in you
You will have to go through a lot of feelings and change
but let me tell you it will be okay
you will get through it day by day.