Honestly, with all the things happening in this world. I felt the need to say what I truly feel about all this greed and hate that is occurring. My 3AM creative writing struck me and I want to share how I feel here so this poem is called "The War."
The War
There's this thing I need to say
About the war on this very planet
See we fight for the power of flags
But the flag itself cannot feel
It cannot thank no one for their determination
See nations are divided by borders
But those borders are laid on top of the soil that is this Earth.
A power that feels
A power that nourishes
A mother to us all stretching far across us all like a mother holding her child's hands to guide them
This land is intertwined tighter than the strings on any flag
We fight for the power of the flag we hold in our hands
But we miss the fact that the flag that lies on the very ground,
The one we step on each day is crying
Our hate, our greed our misconduct
Is killing our mother flag.
Her children are dying
Her willpower of being stripped away
Shes tired
And worn out
I guess this is a war after all
But the flags we choose to fight for
Are the wrong reason.
She doesn't choose sides
Those borders are an accessory to her
But it's a necklace that has been stuck on her neck
Wishing she can take it off to feel free
But the more she tries, the more it chokes her
I guess she is now a slave of these strings we all fight for.
Our languages, cultures, etc.
are just different flowers in a garden in the end.
We all come from the same place.
My Family.