Observation of my Wichita home in the summer evenings. Nostalgia runs deep and apathy lessens it's vacant burden.
The sun sets upon the cul-de-sac
Around 7 or 8 or 9
I don’t remember,
Time shifts with time.
Google just told me it’s 8:39.
Summer holds onto light a little longer.
As it approaches,
The atmosphere,
Once void of image,
Overflows as a sea of gilded wavelengths.
As I swim in the expanse of light,
The day becomes Sunday,
(no pun intended)
And adolescence returns.
I call this place the house of the setting sun
Because daylight’s sinking summer path
Is precisely this street.
So, each evening of my muggy and easy youth
The cul-de-sac transforms into a cradled heaven,
Tunneling the emittance to illuminate this house alone.
The leaves beam gold
and the spaces in between diffuse a smoked glow.
I’m able to breathe in the sun,
Just as the pear trees that tower above.