Darkness comes and surrounds her, hugging her in a cloud of despair and hatred.
Hatred towards herself.
Hatred towards the world in which she has to live in.
The despair of knowing that tomorrow will be another day of emptiness and loneliness in a world where there is so much to discover.
Feeling the numbness take over her skin like she has been paralyzed with fear.
Never knowing if she is going to crack and re-break and crumble back into the girl who sits alone in her closet holding a blade in her hand.
Thinking, just thinking that if she made one cut, one imperfection on her already imperfect skin that everything will be okay.
Keeping the promises to her loved ones is the hardest promise to keep.
Promising to God that she wouldn't get to that place again.
How easy it would be to slip away from the reality of constantly feeling not good enough and alone in such a big world.
Just one bruise, just one cut.
Any imperfection would show others what she's going through, right?
That she is obviously tough enough and fighting to be here, for she is still here even after all the trauma she has endured.
The longing to just fit in again, to feel important, like she has friends.
Never knowing if this depression she has will one day go away.
There is darkness all around her and no one sees the light fading from her eyes, the color fading from her cheeks, her body getting smaller and smaller each day.
Even after talking to someone, getting out of that closet and seeking help and advice she still returns to that closet holding that blade every night.
The depressed girl fighting a day to day battle with herself to win the fight against the darkness inside and bring back the light to her life.
- Depression ›
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