Alright guys. I'm doing something different. I've got a poem for you, so if you don't want to read it (although I'd prefer you branch out with me), this is you cue to exit stage left.
But first, some background.
In case you don't know me personally, haven't read one of my other articles yet, or just haven't read the right ones yet, I struggle with depression. It's kind of a constant thing in my life and I'm constantly going through ups and downs. My family and I are going through a particularly trying situation right now. I'll spare you the details that could make a whole new article, but basically, it's really, really, really hard to say the least. This poem has stemmed from a lot of what's going on right now. So anyways, here goes nothing...
Above It All
I'm watching my life
flash before my eyes.
Problem is, I'm not dying.
They say history is doomed to repeat.
I'm watching the proof
play out in front of me.
Never an end.
Never a break.
Always the pain and suffering.
They say "God never gives more than you can take."
Well, I'm crumbling under the weight.
God, take this from me
before I fall and drown
trapped in the turmoil surrounding me.
They ask "How are you?"
"I'm okay."
No I'm not.
How can I praise You
when I feel all this pain?
When all I feel
is sorrow and destruction?
I'm trying to trust and
I'm crying out to You.
Take it all, God.
Help me rise
above it all.